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Judith Amey Assistant Director Financial Aid - WCL Washington College of Law

BA Professional Communications, Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, 1999; MA Theological Studies, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, 2003

Judi joined the WCL Financial Aid staff in August of 2006. Her primary role is assisting students in funding their law school studies. She particularly enjoys the talking with her students and learning about their interests and how best she can help them.
She serves as the WCL representative to the American University Veterans Liaison Network and on the Veterans Affairs committee for the Eastern Association of Financial Aid Administrators  (EASFAA). In addition she serves on the Federal Regulations Committees of both EASFAA and the DE-DC-MD Association of Financial Aid Administrators, helping to organize and participated in several visits to Capitol Hill.
Judi works with two animal rescue groups in her spare time.

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Judi is an active member of the national, regional and tri-state Financial Aid Administrators Associations; she serves on the Federal Regulations and Nominations Committees of the tri-state association.