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Photography Students Receive National Recognition

Thande winning photo - two bike riders

Stephanie Rosenbloom, Murugi Thande, and Anike Skeete, all American University students studying photography at the School of Communication, were featured among Photographer's Forum Magazine's "Best of High School and College Photography" winners.

Stephanie Rosenbloom, a film and media arts major and graphic design minor, is one of the winners. She entered the competition when she discovered she had a passion for photography - she wanted to show her talent to the world.

"The photo I submitted is a night scene. It was a very foggy night and I liked the way the light from the street lamps showed through the fog. I submitted this photograph because I felt that it was very natural in the way the light radiates through the fog," she said.

Anike Skeete is a senior pursuing a Bachelor's degree in graphic design. He transferred to American University to pursue a degree that would help him lead a career that allowed him to express himself creatively.

Skeete found that graphic design had the perfect combination of the technical skills that he enjoyed in the sciences, while incorporating visual art.

"The photo I submitted to the Photographer's Forum Competition was taken while I was on vacation in Zanzibar, Tanzania. I tried to first capture the magical allure of Zanzibar. The casual appearance of the boats on the sand. The variety of boats on the water in the background, helped to demonstrate the history of a trade that has survived. It is alive in the craftsman body, on his face, and the intensity of his manual labor to produce the boats," he said.

Murugi Thande, who will graduate next month with a Bachelor's degree in Film and Media Arts and a minor in French. She applied to the competition with the encouragement of faculty.

"The photo is titled Lollipops. It's a photo of a couple riding a bike. The man's hands are on his bike handles and the woman's hands are on his hips. They have a similar stance and they both have lollipops in their mouths," she said.

This was Thande's favorite image; she enjoyed taking the photo. "I was near the Greenburg Theatre in Tenleytown when I saw the couple riding by, and asked them if I could take their photo," she said.

Established in 1977, the Photographer's Forum magazine is an award-winning quarterly publication dedicated to showcasing photographers work in the United States and Canada.