You are here: American University College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Noemi Enchautegui-de-Jesus

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Noemi Enchautegui de Jesus Senior Professorial Lecturer Psychology

PhD, Community Psychology, New York University
MA, Community Psychology, New York University
BA, Psychology, University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras

Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Dr. Enchautegui-de-Jesus received her MA and PhD in Community Psychology from New York University. She was a postdoctoral fellow with the NIMH’s Family Research Consortium III at the University of Michigan. Her research revolves around a core interest in the stressors that affect the mental and physical well being of people of low socioeconomic status, especially individuals and families of African and Latin American descent. Currently, her research activities focus specifically on stressors related to work and to the balancing act between work and family demands among women who juggle low wage jobs and children/adolescents at home. Furthermore, Dr. Enchautegui is interested in the coping mechanisms and resources women use and/or need to deal with these stressors and buffer their impact.
See Also
Psychology Department
Family, Work, Community, and Culture Research Group
For the Media
To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.


Spring 2024

  • IDIS-340 Community-Based Research

  • PSYC-421 Women and Mental Health

  • PSYC-494 Comm Service Learning Project: Women and Mental Health

Summer 2024

  • PSYC-497 Topics in Psychology: Psychology of Immigration

Fall 2024

  • PSYC-345 Community Psychology

  • PSYC-394 Comm Service Learning Project: Community Psychology

  • PSYC-394 Comm Service Learning Project: Community Psychology

  • PSYC-421 Women and Mental Health

  • PSYC-494 Comm Service Learning Project: Women and Mental Health

  • PSYC-497 Topics in Psychology: Psychology of Immigration

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Research Interests

Dr. Enchautegui-de-Jesús investigates stressors related to low-wage jobs and work-family balance among women with children/adolescents at home. She is interested in identifying coping mechanisms and resources to deal with and buffer the impact of such stressors on individual and family well-being. To pursue these interests, she relies on quantitative and qualitative methods (e.g., surveys, focus groups, in-depth interviews). The goal of this research is to inform policies and interventions that could improve the quality of life of working poor families.

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships


  • Postdoctoral      Fellowship, NIMH’s Family Research Consortium III, Univ. of Michigan,      2001-2003
  • Scholarship      in Action Award (Department of Psychology, Syracuse University), 2008  
  • Allport      Research Mentor Award (Department of Psychology, Syracuse University),      2005
  • Ford      Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, 1991?1994
  • National      Science Foundation Minority Fellowship Mention of Honor, 1991
  • Minority      Summer Research Internship Program Fellow, University of California,      Irvine, 1990
  • Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration’s Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Fellow, 1989-1991

Professional Presentations


  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N. Stress Factors that Affect      Latinas(os) and African Americans in the Workplace. Invited      presentation. Distinguished Lecture Series by the Office of Program      Development. Syracuse University Lubin House, New York City, NY, November      2007.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N., Yoshikawa, H., & McLoyd, V.C. Quality      of maternal employment and parent and child well-being in low-income      families. Paper presented at the annual meeting      of the National Council on Family Relations. Pittsburgh, PA, November      2007.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N. Challenges      Experienced by Vulnerable Hourly Workers: Issues to Consider in the Policy      Conversation to Address These Problems. Invited discussion at the      National Symposium on Family Issues, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, October      2007.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N. Fuentes de Conflictos entre Trabajo y Familia      entre Madres de Adolescentes. Poster presented at      the biennial meeting of the Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología. Mexico      City, Mexico, July 2007.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N. Sources      of Work-Family Conflict among Mothers of Adolescent Children. Poster      presented at the Fourth Summer Institute of the Family Research Consortium      IV. Durham, NC, June 2007.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N. Estrés:      Cómo nos afecta y qué hacer para relajarnos. (Stress: How does it affect      us and what can we do to relax?). Invited      presentation at Caras de Salud: Annual Women’s Health Conference by the      Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility Inc. Syracuse, NY, April      2007.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N. Work-family spillover in women’s      pink- and blue-collar jobs.       Paper presented at the 7th conference of the European Academy of      Occupational Health Psychology.       Dublin, Ireland, November 2006.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N. Latina      empowerment: Building a strong community.      Invited presentation at the      XV Annual Latina Conference: Realizando      Mis Sueños (Realizing My Dreams)      by The Association of Neighbors Concerned for Latino Advancement.      Syracuse, NY, October 2006.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N. Maternal job quality and      adolescent delinquent activity: How low-wage workers carve opportunities      for parental monitoring. Paper presented at symposium on “Parental job conditions and low?income      adolescent development.” Annual      Meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.      Madison, WI, November 2006.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús, N., *Fitt, J., *Goldstein, A., *Gordon, D., & Hashimoto, N.  Mothers’ work-family stress: Occupational, cultural, and socioeconomic considerations. Poster presented at the Sixth International Conference on Work, Stress, & Health. Miami, FL, March 2006. (*student co-author)

Selected Publications


  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N. (2009). Challenges Experienced by Vulnerable Hourly Workers: Issues to      Consider in the Policy Conversation to Address These Problems. In A.      Booth and A. C. Crouter (Eds.), Work-Life      Policies that Make a Real Difference for Individuals, Families, and      Organizations (pp. 207-217).       Washington, DC: Urban Institute.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N., Yoshikawa, H., & McLoyd, V.C.      (2006). Job quality among low-income mothers: Experiences and      associations  with children's development. In H. Yoshikawa, T.      Weisner, and E. Lowe (Eds.), Making      It Work: Low-Wage Employment, Family Life, and Child Development (pp. 75-96). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Yoshikawa,      H., Lowe, E.D., Weisner, T.S., Hsueh, J., Enchautegui-de-Jesús, N., Gassman-Pines, A., Godfrey, E.,B.      Howard, E., Mistry, R., & Roy, A.L. (2006). Pathways through low-wage      work. In H. Yoshikawa, T.S. Weisner, and E. Lowe (Eds.), Making It Work: Low-Wage Employment,      Family Life, and Child Development (pp. 27-53). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N., Hughes, D., Johnston, K.E., &      Oh, H.J. (2006). Well?being in the context of workplace      ethnic diversity. Journal of Community Psychology, 34, 211-223.
  • Enchautegui-de-Jesús,      N., *Fitt, J., *Goldstein, A., *Gordon,      D., & *Hashimoto, N. (2006). College women’s reflections on career and      family decisions. The Community      Psychologist, 39 (1), 18-20. (*Indicates student co-author)
  • McLoyd,      V.C. & Enchautegui-de-Jesús, N.      (2005). Work and African American family life. In V.C. McLoyd, K. Dodge,      and N. Hill (Eds.), African-American      Family Life: Ecological and Cultural Diversity (pp. 135-165). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Bernal,      G. & Enchautegui-de-Jesús, N.      (1994). Latinos and Latinas in community psychology: A review of the      literature.  American Journal of Community Psychology, 22, 531-557.

Grants and Sponsored Research


  • Syracuse      Campus-Community Entrepreneurship Initiative, Syracuse Univ., “Social entrepreneurship for children      w/disabilities,” Princ. Investigator, 2007-09
  • National Poverty Center, University of Michigan, “Job Quality, Parent Well-Being, and Child Development,” Principal Investigator, 2003-2004