4400 Mass Ave

Sticking It to Single-Use Plastics


Photo­graphy by
Ethan Kauffman, SOC/BA ’26

AU students' water bottles in a variety of colors featuring stickers

When undertaken by an entire community, the drip, drip, drip of individual efforts can lead to a flood of change.

As part of its efforts to achieve zero waste by 2030, AU is committed to reducing single-use plastics, giving each incoming student a reusable water bottle.

Because plastic can take up to 450 years to decompose, “It’s found in our bodies, at the bottom of the ocean, and in remote ecosystems,” says Megan Litke, AU’s director of sustainability. With more than 60 million plastic water bottles tossed each year, according to EarthDay.org, “Reusable water bottles are a great sustainable choice that also provides an opportunity for our community to express who we are,” Litke says.


AU students' water bottles in a variety of colors featuring stickers