You are here: American University Middle States Subcommittee on Community

Subcommittee on Community Embodying Our Values through Inclusive Excellence and Effective Partnerships

Standards and Requirements of Affiliation Covered

Standards Covered: I, II, VII
Requirements of Affiliation: 12, 13, 14


Garret Martin, senior professorial lecturer, SIS, and former chair of the Faculty Senate
Amanda Taylor, assistant vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusion
Rene Thomas, director of graduate studies, Kogod, and Staff Council representative**


Maria Barry, director of community relations, Office of People and External Affairs
Amy Butler, senior director, corporate and foundation relations, Office of Development and Alumni Relations
Marcy Campos, director, Center for Community Engagement
Monica Jackson, professor, CAS; deputy provost and dean of faculty
Dan Kerr, associate professor, CAS
Jane Palmer, associate professor, SPA
Andie Rowe, director, Employee Wellness and Work-Life, Office of Human Resources
Lacy Wootton, director of writing studies, CAS, and former chair of the Faculty Senate
Additional Faculty Member (TBD)

**Denotes designated data/evidence lead. This individual will also be a member of the supporting documentation working group to ensure a comprehensive use of available evidence.

Lines of Inquiry:

  1. How does AU define community, and how well does our strategic plan advance this definition?
  2. What evidence demonstrates that AU is committed to ensuring inclusive excellence? In what ways does AU demonstrate a climate that fosters respect among students, faculty, staff, and administration from a range of diverse backgrounds, ideas, and perspectives?
  3. How well do AU’s policies, processes, and practices demonstrate a commitment to ethics and integrity, as described in standard II?
  4. To what extent does AU have a clearly articulated and effective governance and administrative structures? In what ways do leadership and governance structures work together to realize AU’s mission and goals? How well do AU’s policies, processes, and practices contribute to creating a culture of trust and transparency among all AU constituencies? Based on this analysis, how can AU govern and administer in a manner that allows it to best meet its mission and goals?
  5. How does the AU community (including faculty, students, staff, and alumni) and Washington, DC, mutually support one another? And in what ways does AU contribute to and develop effective partnerships with institutions and communities beyond Washington, DC?