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Photograph of Jonathan Fox

Jonathan Fox Professor Environment, Development & Health

PhD, Political Science, MIT, 1986
BA, Politics, Princeton, 1980

Languages Spoken
Favorite Spot on Campus
SIS Atrium
Jonathan Fox directs the Accountability Research Center, which bridges research and frontline perspectives to learn from strategies to improve public accountability.
See Also
Professor Fox's website
Accountability Research Center
For the Media
To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.


Spring 2024

  • SIS-899 Doctoral Dissertation

Fall 2024

  • SIS-899 Doctoral Dissertation

Partnerships & Affiliations

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Research Interests

Transparency and accountability, democratization, governance and participation, social and environmental policy, transnational civil society, immigration and youth civic/political engagement. Current projects address reform strategies for trasparency, participation and accountability, with a focus on the global South.

Selected Publications

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

  • Outstanding Contributions to Fostering Collaborative Scholarship, SIS, 2018, 2023
  • Outstanding Faculty Mentor, SIS, 2016
  • Adaljiza Sosa-Ridell Mentoring Award for Exemplary Mentoring of Graduate Students in Political Science, American Political Science Association, 2013
  • LASA/OXFAM 2004 Martin Diskin Memorial Lectureship


AU Experts

Area of Expertise

Mexico, transparency, accountability, citizen participation, Hispanics, immigration, migrants

Additional Information

Jonathan Fox focuses on the relationship between citizen participation. transparency and accountability, from both scholarly and practitioner perspectives. He has carried out extensive research in rural Mexico, and with Latino immigrant organizations in the US. His projects involve dialogue with a wide range of public interest groups, grassroots organizations, development agencies, private foundations and government policymakers.

For the Media

To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.

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