Meet the Faculty

Meet the GGPS faculty who bring practical policy experience and research expertise to the classroom.

Department Chair

Research interests

  • Comparative democratization
  • Political and economic institutions
  • Authoritarianism in Africa

Department Director of Graduate Studies

Research interests

  • Global integration on local labor markets
  • Information transfer in trade and investment
  • Labor institutions

Core Faculty

Research interests

  • Politics of borders and territorial conflicts
  • State weakness and failure
  • The Middle East and South and East Asia

Research interests

  • International law and organizations
  • Cross-cultural conflict and mediation
  • Anti-Corruption

Research interests

  • Applied microeconomics
  • Global economic history
  • Market integration in Japan and China

Keith Darden Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Politics, Governance & Economics SIS | Politics, Governance & Economics

Research interests

  • Politics of Eurasia
  • National loyalties and state-building
  • Insurgency

Research interests

  • Effectiveness of International organizations
  • Global environmental politics
  • Global and regional governance

Research interests

  • Politics of economic policymaking
  • International regime complexity
  • Comparative political economy

Research interests

  • Consequences of globalization
  • Foreign economic policy
  • Global politics of the Internet

Research interests

  • Inter-ethnic powersharing
  • Radicalization and counter-terrorism effects 
  • Game theoretic/formal modeling approaches

Research interests

  • Refugees and forced displacement
  • Gender and conflict
  • South Asia

Research interests

  • Industrial policy
  • Economics of biodiversity 
  • Protection strategies for ecosystems

Research interests

  • State capacity and corruption
  • Judicial politics
  • Latin American political economy

Affiliated Faculty

Earl Anthony Wayne Hurst Senior Professorial Lecturer and Distinguished Diplomat in Residence SIS | Foreign Policy & Global Security