PIJIP's IP at the Supreme Court Event on Amgen Inc. v. Sanofi Quoted in Nature


PIJIP's IP at the Supreme Court Event on Amgen Inc. v. Sanofi Quoted in Nature

New Paper by Prof. Christine Haight Farley: Raising the Threshold for Trademark Infringement to Protect Free Expression


New Paper by Prof. Christine Haight Farley: Raising the Threshold for Trademark Infringement to Protect Free Expression

March 29, 2023
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Government Delegate Scholarships: WTO, WIPO & the Multilateral System Geneva, Switzerland, June 11-24, 2023


PIJIP Offers Government Delegate Scholarships to Class on the WTO, WIPO & the Multilateral System

Class to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, June 11-24, 2023
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Prof. Michael Carroll Interviewed by The Conversation About the Supreme Court's Google and Twitter Cases


Prof. Michael Carroll Interviewed by The Conversation About the Supreme Court's Google and Twitter Cases

Call for Scholarship Applications


Call for Scholarship Applications

Access to Knowledge in the Multilateral System

Geneva, Switzerland, June 12-16, 2023, 15h00-18h00 CET

Apply here by April 1, 2023 

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Presentation of Amicus Curiae before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights along with DPLF regarding the case Gutiérrez Navas and Others vs. Honduras.


Presentation of Amicus Curiae before the Inter-American Human Rights Court along with DPLF regarding the case Gutiérrez Navas et al. vs. Honduras.

We are delighted to share that Professor Claudia Martin, Co-Director of the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at American University Washington College of Law, presented an Amicus Curiae to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) together with the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF) related to the case Gutiérrez Navas and Others vs. Honduras. Professor Martin was supported by students from our LL.M in residence program, Mosi Meza (Peru), Luis Eliud Tapia (Mexico), and Gabriel Ortiz (Venezuela), whom we sincerely thank for their commitment and dedication to researching and writing the Amicus.
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International Women's Day 2023


International Women's Day 2023

The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law joins the International Women’s Day celebration!
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American University Survey on Copyright Issues In Cross Border Teaching


American University Survey on Copyright Issues In Cross-Border Teaching

March 8, 2023
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New Report by Andrés Izquierdo on the Copyright Limitations Debate at the Last WIPO SCCR


New Report by Andrés Izquierdo on the Copyright Limitations Debate at the Last WIPO SCCR

PIJIP Co-Hosts Technical Briefing on Upcoming WIPO Negotiations on Copyright 


PIJIP Co-Hosts Technical Briefing on Upcoming WIPO Negotiations on Copyright