A New World Economic Order?

On July 01, 2022, AUWCL’s Trade, Investment and Development Program invited a group of eminent experts to discuss the current challenges for the World Economic Order. Panelists included Daniel Crosby, Arancha González, Amb. Alejandro Jara and Victor do Prado. Padideh Ala’i, Professor of Law at AUWCL and Director of the Trade, Investment and Development Program, moderated the session. Prof. Ala’i introduced the topic by indicating that after World War II states engaged in an artificial distinction between economic and non-economic activities, which does not really exist. The economic and non-economic spheres of social existence are closely interrelated, and humankind’s task should be to create a sustainable legal order among the world’s nations.
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Economic Sanctions: Trade as a Tool to Win the War against Putin?

On June 28, 2022, AUWCL’s Trade, Investment and Development (TID) Program organized a panel on Trade Sanctions and its effectiveness against the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, featuring Jeffrey Schott, Alexis Early and Inu Manak. This event was part of the Program’s summer course on WTO and US Trade Law and Policy. The panel discussed the trade sanctions currently in force against Russia and their impact on global trade law. The panel was moderated by Dr. Renata Amaral, Founder of Women Inside Trade, Adjunct Professor of Law and Professor Padideh Ala’i.
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US-China Relations and the World Trade Organization

On June 28, 2022, the Trade, Investment and Development Program at Washington College of Law (WCL) organized a panel of expert speakers, to talk about U.S.-China trade relations.
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Prof. Sean Flynn Presents Work in Progress on Copyright and Cross-Border Uses of Research Materials


Prof. Sean Flynn Presents Work in Progress on Copyright and Cross-Border Uses of Research Materials

Prof. Christine Haight Farley Quoted in Dwell Magazine on Furniture Design Infringement


Prof. Christine Haight Farley Quoted in Dwell Magazine on Furniture Design Infringement

Prof. Sean Flynn Presents Paper on Copyright Exceptions for Research


Prof. Sean Flynn Presents Paper on Copyright Exceptions for Research at "Rethinking Copyright Flexibilities"

PIJIP Director Sean Flynn recently presented his paper Research Exceptions in Comparative Copyright at a conference on "Rethinking Copyright Flexibilities" in Nicosia, Cyprus.   The paper  classifies countries based on the degree to which they have a research exception in their law that is sufficiently open to be able to permit reproduction and communications of copyrighted work needed for academic (i.e. non-commercial) text and data mining (TDM) research. 
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Patents and the Public Interest Event Series Posted to PIJIP's YouTube Channel


ICYMI: Patents and the Public Interest Event Series Posted to PIJIP's YouTube Channel

New PIJIP Research Paper: The Status of Reproduction Rights Organisations (RROs) in Africa


New PIJIP Working Paper: The Status of Reproduction Rights Organisations (RROs) in Africa

WCL'S First Annual Virtual Currency Law, Regulation, and Policy Institute


WCL’S First Annual Virtual Currency Law, Regulation, and Policy Institute

On Thursday, October 13, 2022, WCL’s Business Law Program and the Digital Asset Law Project hosted a hybrid event on new virtual currency regulations and the way forward in navigating this newly charged yet unclear financial and regulatory space. With an introduction by Professor V. Gerard Comizio, Associate Director of the Business Law Program, the event began with a fireside chat and interview with Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero, a current CTFC Commissioner nominated by President Biden. Commissioner Goldsmith Romero discussed the effects of the retail investor footprint on the CFTC’s approach to regulating digital assets, President Biden’s Executive Order 14067 on expanding access to “safe and affordable financial services,” and future federal legislations to promote responsible financial innovation and a more active role for the CFTC to regulate digital assets.
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100 Years of International Intellectual Property Law


100 Years of International Intellectual Property Law