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AU Arts

A home for the visual and performing arts at American University.

AU Arts

The arts have a prominent role at American University. Rotating exhibitions at the AU Museum in the state-of-the-art Katzen Arts Center emphasize regional, national, and international contemporary art. The Department of Performing Arts, comprised of Arts Management, Audio Technology, Dance, Music, and Theatre/Musical Theatre, provides dynamic, connected, expressive, and fulfilling experiences for all of our majors, minors, and participating students. The Department of Art encompasses Studio Art, Art History, Photography, and Graphic Design.

To stay up-to-date on performances, exhibitions, and events, join the AU Arts mailing list and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TwitterQuestions? Call 202-885-ARTS or email us.


Featured Events

See all Music | Theatre/Musical Theatre | Installation Art events

Design Show
March 21 – April 4, 2025
Katzen Arts Center Rotunda

Reception: March 28, 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Graphic Design program students proudly show their best work.
Come see where our paths cross! Learn more and check for updates. 


9 to 5, the Musical.

9-5, the Musical
Music and Lyrics by Dolly Parton  
Book by Patricia Resnick  
Based on the 20th Century Fox Picture  
Originally produced on Broadway by Robert Greenblatt, April 2009
Directed by Nikki Mirza
March 27-29 | Harold and Sylvia Greenberg Theatre

Set in the late 1970s, this hilarious story of friendship and revenge in the Rolodex era is outrageous, thought-provoking and even a little romantic. Featuring the iconic music of Dolly Parton, it explores the struggles women faced within a frustrating workplace culture in the 1970s. It portrays their journey towards empowerment as they challenge the status quo, seize control of their destinies, and forge deep bonds of friendship and community along the way. 

“9 to 5, The Musical” is presented through special arrangement with Musical Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
9-5 tickets

Welcom Writers! sign at conference entrance with alien doll.

Annual Writers ConferenceBarrelhouse Conversation & Connections: Practical Advice on Writing April 12, 9:00–6:00 | Kerwin Hall

Presented by the Creative Writing MFA Program:
Conversations and Connections is a one-day writer's conference that annually brings together writers, editors, and publishers in a friendly, supportive environment.
Barrelhouse Details & Registration

All Events

Tickets to Department of Performing Arts events are free for AU students with ID; $10 for AU alumni, faculty, and staff, children (under 18), and senior citizens (55 and older); $15 for the general public.

AU Chamber Singers Haydn Mass for Troubled Times (Missa in Angustiis/Lord Nelson Massdirected by Dan Abraham; illustration of a fleet of ships with tattered sailsAU Chamber Singers 
Haydn: Mass for Troubled Times (Missa in angustiis) — "Lord Nelson Mass" 
April 5, 7:30 p.m., April 6, 3:00 p.m. | Katzen Arts Center, Abramson Family Recital Hall
Daniel Abraham, director

Joseph Haydn's Missa in angustiis (Mass for troubled times), commonly known as the “Lord Nelson Mass” was hailed by scholar H.C. Robbins Landon as "arguably Haydn's greatest single composition.” Hear this incredible program by the AU Chamber Singers and a band of period instruments in preparation for the singers’ May 2025 tour to Colombia. Bach's monumental motet Der Geist hilft and Arvo Pärt's stirring Salve Regina will lead off the program. 
Chamber Singers tickets

Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem. American University Chorus. Casey Cook, DirectorAmerican University Chorus
Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem
April 11, 7:30 p.m.
Katzen Arts Center, Abramson Family Recital Hall
Casey Cook, director
Barbara Wilkinson and Dana Scott, pianists

While most requiems mourn the loss of a loved one, Brahms specifically wrote this piece to give comfort to those left behind. Join the American University Chorus and friends for a performance of Brahms' choral masterpiece, Ein Deutsches Requiem.
Chorus tickets

AU Symphonic Band Spring Concert. Matthew Brown and Aidan Dixon, conductors. Wide angle and close-ups of the AU symphonic band performingAU Symphonic Band
Spring Concert
April 13, 3 p.m. | Katzen Arts Center, Abramson Family Recital Hall
Matthew Brown, conductor

The AU Symphonic Band plays an eclectic mix of concert band selections, ranging from established classics of the standard repertoire to new works.  
Band tickets

AU Symphony Orchestra
Classical Collage
April 26, 7:30 p.m., April 27, 3 p.m. | Katzen Arts Center, Abramson Family Recital Hall
Matthew Brown, conductor

The AU Symphony Orchestra plays a wide variety of time-tested classical hits that are sure to please. Featuring the student winner of the 2025 Concerto and Aria Competition as soloist.  
Orchestra tickets


Tickets to Department of Performing Arts events are free for AU students with ID; $10 for AU alumni, faculty, and staff, children (under 18), and senior citizens (55 and older); $15 for the general public.

9-5, the Musical
Music and Lyrics by Dolly Parton  
Book by Patricia Resnick  
Based on the 20th Century Fox Picture  
Originally produced on Broadway by Robert Greenblatt, April 2009
Directed by Nikki Mirza
March 27-29 | Harold and Sylvia Greenberg Theatre

9 to 5, the MusicalSet in the late 1970s, this hilarious story of friendship and revenge in the Rolodex era is outrageous, thought-provoking and even a little romantic. Featuring the iconic music of Dolly Parton, it explores the struggles women faced within a frustrating workplace culture in the 1970s. It portrays their journey towards empowerment as they challenge the status quo, seize control of their destinies, and forge deep bonds of friendship and community along the way. 

“9 to 5, The Musical” is presented through special arrangement with Musical Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
9-5 tickets

Danceworks 2025; a dancer leaps as three others lean awayDANCEWORKS 2025
April 11-12, 7:30 p.m. | Harold and Sylvia Greenberg Theatre

Rediscover the power of live dance. The American University Dance Company brings DANCEWORKS 2025 to the Greenberg Theatre stage with new works by Dance faculty, as well as guest choreographers Tarik O’Meally and haus of bambi’s Robert Woofter.   

Tickets to Department of Performing Arts events are free for AU students with ID; $10 for AU alumni, faculty, and staff, children (under 18), and senior citizens (55 and older); $15 for the general public.

AU MFA Studio Art thesis exhibition: paper or textile draped from ceiling and curved orange sculpture arrangement installed on wallMFA Spring Exhibition 2025
January 31 - March 3
Katzen Arts Center, First Floor Rotunda

Opening Reception:
February 8, 6:00–9:00 p.m.
This exhibition features a range of artwork from first- and second-year MFA students in American University's MFA Studio Art Program.
Artists: Andres Izquierdo, Austin Remetta, Brenay Spencer, Connor Gagne, Julia Fouser, Michael Dodson, Kelvin He Hao Low, Lexi Moser, Patricia Edwine-Poku, Phaedra Askarinam, Pooja Campbell, Quyen Nguyen, Rob Balsewich, Ryan Kennedy, Sarah Wilson, Julia Zhang

Melissa Joseph.Visiting Artists Series

Spring Art Department Series features

  • Elisa Harkins, January 17
  • Melissa Joseph, February 6
  • Linnea Poole, February 20
  • Julie Wills, March 27, 6:00,
    Katzen Arts Center 246
  • Erika Hess, April 10, 6:00,
    Katzen Arts Center 201

Illustration of road map with cars, buses, and trucks, with caption 'where our paths cross'Design Show
March 21 – April 4, 2025
Katzen Arts Center Rotunda

Reception: March 28, 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Graphic Design program students proudly show their best work. Come see where our paths cross! Learn more and check for updates

AU Museum Spring Exhibitions & EventsThrough May 18, 2025
Wednesday–Sunday, 11:00–4:00
with associated artists talks and special events

  • Arpad Pulai,The Army of Felt Dreamers. A stout and spiky figure made of white felt; a bird is drawn on its torso in red thread and the tips of its spikes or tentacles are red. LOOKING FOR MUSHROOMS:
    Bruce and Jean Conner in Mexico, 1961-62
  • Monumental Washington
  • Otho Branson: Paintings
  • #SerbiaInRealLife
  • Fred Folsom: Women Smoking and Last Call
  • A Sight to Behold

Visit AU Museum

In the AU Arts Community

Jennifer Hamady seated with a laptop

Arts ·

How to Find Your Voice: A CAS Conversation with Jennifer Hamady

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Students perform Urinetown: the Musical, waving protest signs and singing on dark stage in industrial work clothes.

Arts ·

AU Launches New “Social Action, Justice, and the Performing Arts” Certificate

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To the Point. Degas' Little Dancer Aged Fourteen surrounded by paint splatters.

Arts ·

To the Point: Why Are Climate Activists Attacking Art? 

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