
How the Waitlist Works

Students may add or remove themselves, and check their status on a waitlist in Student Planning. Students may log into Student Planning via myau.american.edu by clicking the Eagle Service link under Academics.

Active students on a waitlist are granted permission to register as space becomes available on a first-on/first-off basis. Before 8 AM, eligible students receive an email in their AU email account from the University Registrar that alerts them to an available space in the waitlisted section. Students will have until 5:59 AM the following day to enroll in that section of the course. If a student does not register within this allotted time frame, their waitlist status expires and the space becomes available for the next eligible student.

Waitlist permissions are granted to eligible students Monday morning through Friday morning, not on Saturday or Sunday. Permissions are granted even if the University is closed for holidays, weather events, or the winter break.

Students may not add themselves to more than 3 waitlists.

Student eligibility and registration rules, including prerequisites, are always enforced.

For more information, please email registration_services@american.edu.