You are here: American University College of Arts & Sciences Carmel Institute

Carmel Institute of Russian Culture & History; Susan Carmel Lerhman, Founder.

Our Mission

The Carmel Institute builds lasting connections between Russian and American students through musical and theater performances, Russian and Soviet film screenings, conferences, academic travel, and art exhibits. The Institute also offers grants to AU students to study Russian language and history.

The Culture of Eastern Orthodoxy: Byzantine Influences on Russia and Eurasia Sum Carmel Institute takes eight university students to see Istanbul

Students and Professor Fedyashin under a Hagia Sophia ceiling fresco.

In June of 2024, the Carmel Institute sponsored a class-trip to Istanbul, Türkiye, for a group of students from AU, Princeton, the University of the District of Columbia, and the University of Rochester. It explored the legacy of the Eastern Roman Empire and Byzantine Orthodoxy.

Before departing from the US, the students read Bettany Hughes' Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities as a general introduction to the history of the Eastern Roman Empire and its capital, Constantinople. The course combined discussions of the book with visits to churches, museums, mosques, and archaeological sites in Istanbul and beyond. In the process, students explored the history of the Byzantine Empire, the evolution of Eastern Orthodoxy, and interconfessional relations throughout the late classical, medieval, and modern era. Dr. Onur İşçi of Kadyr Has University in Istanbul also joined the group on select museum visits, guided some of the tours, participated in discussions, and gladly answered many questions while touring Istanbul.



Student tour group in front of the National Gallery of Art entrance

Former Hermitage Treasures at the National Gallery of Art

Students learn about Russian Hermitage paintings at the National Gallery of Art.

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Student tour group in front of the Hillwood Museum's front door

Byzantine artifacts at the Dumbarton Oaks Museum

The Carmel Institute organized a trip to one of Washington’s most unique museums, Dumbarton Oaks. 

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Students on a rooftop with the Bosphorus in the background

The Culture of Eastern Orthodoxy

Students see Istanbul and experience first-hand its pivotal place in the culture and history of Russia and Eurasia.

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