You are here: American University Provost Communications August 29, 2022

American University Office of the Provost

MemorandumAugust 29, 2022

AU Faculty
Peter Starr, Provost and Chief Academic Officer

Monica C. Jackson, Deputy Provost and Dean of Faculty
Jessica Waters, Dean of Undergraduate Education and Vice Provost for Academic Student Services
Wendy Boland, Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies

Fall 2022 Faculty Resources and Guidance

Welcome to the 2022‒2023 Academic Year! While this past week was a challenging one for our community, leaving us with work to do in healing and coming together, one thing remains true: AU faculty and staff are deeply committed to providing our students with an outstanding academic and social experience. In support of this—the very foundation of our mission—we are writing to provide you as faculty with tools to help support the academic experience throughout the coming year. You will continue to hear from us periodically with additional resources available to you and guidance to help you in the classroom and beyond.  

This (admittedly long) email summarizes resources and information in the following categories–Class Operations, COVID-Related Procedures, Student Information, Student Support and Accommodations, University Policies and Procedures, and Research and Library Resources.


Class Schedules, Faculty Absences, and Classroom Modality

Please adhere to the schedule and modality—face-to-face, hybrid, or remote—for all of your classes. You may temporarily move your class online or reschedule it for a later date in the event of illness or an occasional professional obligation (such as to attend a conference or deliver an invited lecture). However, if you need to miss more than one session for any given class, please notify (and solicit guidance from) your department chair, program director, or dean’s office. 

Please review your class schedule information and classroom assignments. There have been and will continue to be classroom assignment changes as needed. You should double check this information to make sure you arrive at the correct location on the first day of class. We also ask you to pay special attention to the memo outlining the major religious holy days and accommodate students accordingly.  

Academic Calendar and Deadlines 

We will observe the standard Academic Calendar for AY2022-2023 during the Fall semester, including Fall Break and the Thanksgiving holiday. Please note that the last day for students to add a Fall semester course or drop a course for a 100% refund and without a “W” recorded is Monday, September 12. The academic calendar and key dates for WCL are found on the WCL Registrar’s website.  


We hope that you have had the opportunity to review the Fall 2022 COVID Health and Safety Update for details on testing, the reporting of cases, and more.

Masking Requirements

While masks remain optional in most campus spaces, we will require masking in face-to-face classes at this time. You may remove your mask while lecturing if there is sufficient distance (generally six feet) between you and your students. Eating in the classroom remains prohibited, but faculty and students may briefly raise masks to drink. In performing arts and language classes, there may be some instances in which masks are removed to meet specific instructional needs. We plan to revisit this requirement within the first few weeks of classes and hope to lift the mandate in favor of optional masking in the not-too-distant future.

Managing Student Absences

Moving forward, students will be responsible for notifying you about absences related to COVID-19. Once students submit a positive test result, they will receive a letter from the Office of the Dean of Students that may be used for this purpose. Please work with students to provide class materials such as notes, assignments, and/or recorded lectures during these COVID-19 absences. 


Course Rosters

All students in a course must be listed on your official roster. Please encourage students who are not on the roster to consult with their academic advisors to determine whether they can register for the course. You will receive a request from the Office of the University Registrar to confirm your roster for each course. It is very important that you do so, as course registration has significant implications for a student’s financial aid award and other academic requirements. 

Student Email Transition from Gmail to Outlook 

To mitigate issues identified in the Spring that caused student email to not be delivered reliably, the Office of Information Technology migrated student email services from Gmail to Outlook (Office 365) on August 1. OIT is tracking student use of the new email service and found that, as of 8/25, 468 students (undergraduate and graduate) had still not yet logged into the new email service. We wanted you to be aware of this situation as you engage with your students over email. Please also encourage your students to check their email in Outlook if they have not already done so. All historical email and Google files (from before August 1) are still available to the student in their Google account. OIT has also developed FAQs related to this email transition that may be helpful to your students.

Name and Gender Identity Technology Updates

As announced last year, students have had the opportunity to designate their name and pronouns (if desired) in Eagle Service. Within approximately 48 hours, the information that they have entered is reflected in Canvas, on course rosters, and in a variety of other systems. While this new initiative improves upon the manual process for requesting these changes that was previously in place, some systems are still required to use legal names (e.g., payroll and financial aid.).  

Some students may not feel comfortable having their (chosen) name and pronouns displayed across AU systems and may prefer to share them with you directly. Please encourage students to notify you and promptly refer to them accordingly.  

For the first time this semester, students, faculty, and staff have the option to easily record the pronunciation of their name as well as hear how others’ names should be pronounced. This option is built directly into Canvas, so the voice-recorded pronunciations will be available to both faculty and students. When you access one of your courses through Canvas, simply click on the link in the left navigation bar labeled “Record Your Name with NameCoach” (towards the bottom) to record your name and listen to your students’ recordings. Please encourage your students to record their names through your course Canvas site as soon as possible. 


Academic Accommodations

The Academic Support and Access Center (ASAC) supports AU students’ academic development and education goals through the provision of reasonable disability-related accommodations. Students who receive accommodations are responsible for providing their instructors with written notice from ASAC of their approved accommodations. For questions or concerns regarding accommodations, please call 202-885-3360 or email

On AU’s main campus, ASAC will resume coordinating and implementing exam accommodations for students with scheduled in-person exams. To ensure that exams are administered effectively and accurately, it is important the faculty provide the exam (and instructions for the exam) to ASAC at least 72 hours in advance. For exams that are scheduled to be taken remotely, faculty will continue to be responsible for ensuring students’ exam accommodations are implemented in accordance with their ASAC letter. Students have been guided to provide their instructors with at least 7 days’ notice if they are planning to use their accommodations on an upcoming exam. If you have any questions about testing arrangements, please contact the Exams Office at 202-885-3489 or

WCL faculty should work with Jenn Baron, Associate Director of Disability Support ( to ensure that student accommodations are met.

Academic Alerts

If there is a student in your course whose academic performance is not meeting your course’s standards because of poor quality of work, incomplete assignments, poor attendance, or a combination of these factors, please consider submitting an Academic Alert at any point in the semester.  

The purpose of an Academic Alert is to provide students with information about the Academic Support and Academic Advising resources available to help them address their course performance issues. After you initiate an Academic Alert, the student and their advisor will receive outreach about next steps. You can access the Academic Alert system on the portal by clicking the “Eagle Service–Academic Alerts” link and then the “Academic Alert (formerly Early Warning)” button on the Eagle Service homepage. 

For WCL students, we recommend that faculty send an email to the student with a copy to advising@wcl.american.edudetailing any concerns the faculty member has regarding attendance or performance and encouraging the student to arrange an appointment with the Office of Academic Excellence

Selected Campus Resources

Care Network. The Care Network should be used by faculty and staff to share concerns about a particular student with the Office of the Dean of Students. Often, these concerns arise from observed disruptive behaviors, a change in demeanor or performance, or from a disturbing interaction with a student. Expressing concern shortly after an issue or incident has occurred can help with early intervention and success. The Care Network can be accessed directly through the portal under the link “Life at AU” and then “Care Network: Express Concern About a Student.” The Office of the Dean of Students will conduct appropriate follow-up with the student on each report. Please note that anonymity of the faculty or staff reporter cannot be guaranteed as Care reports are considered part of a student’s educational record.

The Center for Well-Being Programs and Psychological Services (the Well-Being Center). The Well-Being Center has a range of resources for students and is also available to consult with faculty, should you have concerns about a student’s well-being. Faculty and staff can also use AU ProtoCall services for a consultation on urgent student concerns, 24 hours a day, at this number: 202-885-7979. The Well-Being Center houses the university’s Victim Support Advocate, who is available to meet with students who have been impacted by interpersonal violence or sexual assault, at this number: 202-885-3276.

YOU@American. YOU@American is a personalized well-being platform available to all undergraduate and graduate students that can be accessed via the AU portal. We encourage faculty and staff to set up an account (which is confidential) to familiarize yourself with this resource and to encourage student engagement. You can also learn more about the platform through this orientation

Help@American. is a self-service library of knowledge articles about technology and student services in the areas of financial aid, billing, registration, housing, One Card, and dining. This service is available to all undergraduate and graduate students and can be accessed via the AU portal and Home - Help & Services ( Students can also chat with AU Central if they are not sure where to go for assistance with their concern. 


Academic Integrity

AU’s Academic Integrity Code states: “All members of the university must join in educating students about the value of integrity and the ways in which intellectuals acknowledge their debts. In each course, faculty should remind students of the standards of integrity, and faculty may ask students to include with their submissions a signed statement pledging adherence to the Code in completing the assignment.”  

Please note that faculty are not permitted to unilaterally level any academic sanction for a suspected academic integrity violation. Sanctions can only be imposed if a student is found responsible for a violation after adjudication under the Code. If you suspect an academic integrity violation has been committed in one of your courses, please contact your associate dean to determine next steps. 

Office of Equity and Title IX 

The Office of Equity and Title IX oversees the university’s efforts to prevent and respond to discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct and serves all faculty, staff, and students. Its responsibilities include formal and informal complaint resolution, the provision of interim and/or supportive measures, education and training, and community engagement. AU community members employed by the university have a duty to report discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct to the Assistant Vice President of Equity and Title IX Coordinator when they become aware of such conduct. Reports and complaints can be submitted on the website or by emailing the Office of Equity and Title IX at Mandated reporter language is found in the CTRL Syllabus Guide.


Return to Research Protocol

At this time, researchers wishing to engage in in-person human subjects research on or off-campus should complete COVID-19 safety forms within the IRB applications. Updates will be communicated through the Office of Research as they become available.

American University Library Updates

Media Services Desk Moved. The AU Library is streamlining service points by moving the services offered at the Media and Technology Services desk to the Circulation and Course Reserves Desk on the first floor. If you have questions about any of the services you received at the Media and Tech Desk, please contact Sean Casey or email and Sean will get back to you. DVD’s and other technology can be picked up at the Circulation Desk.

Change in Laptop Lending Service. This Fall, the Library’s laptop lending service is shifting from a convenience-based system to a need-based system. As such, if your device is broken, please contact Sean Casey to arrange for a long-term computer loan while yours is being fixed. If you are adjunct faculty, the library has about 20 laptop computers set aside for your use via a semester-long loan. Please ask your department to contact Sean Casey and reserve one for you as the laptops are first come, first served.

Research Support. Research Librarians are available to assist you or your students on chat 24/7 or by appointment: Librarians are happy to come speak to your class. Please make sure struggling students know they are here to help.

Geospatial Research Lab. The Geospatial Research Lab (re-opened on the lower level of the library) supports learning and research at AU by providing access to geospatial software and data, as well as technical support and training opportunities. 

24/7 Bender Library Building Access Pilot. The University Library will launch a 24/7 Bender Library Building Access Pilot in mid-September to provide students, faculty and staff a safe and convenient study space during the Fall semester. 

Pence Law Library Updates

Longer Staffed Hours. This year, the Pence Law Library will be open with services until 11 pm, Sunday to Thursday, and 8 pm on Friday and Saturday; 24/7 physical access is available to all current WCL students, faculty, and staff.

Non-Traditional Items Available for Checkout. These include laptops, chargers, including chargers for laptops and phones, book stands, portable standing desks, umbrellas—and games!

Faculty Support. Consult the Pence Law Library’s Faculty Services webpage for a complete description of how the library supports faculty.

Additional Resources

You are encouraged to take advantage of additional teaching and research support offered through the Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning throughout the year.

We hope that you were able to rest and recharge this summer. Thank you, as always, for your efforts to support your students and advance AU’s mission!