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SOE is Accredited by CAEP

The gold standard in quality for educator preparation programs reports no areas for improvement.

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The Council for the Accreditation of Education Programs (CAEP) is considered to be the gold standard in quality for educator preparation programs. The School of Education’s Teacher Education and Antiracist Administration Supervision and Leadership programs engaged in deep program evaluation through the CAEP accreditation process that included a comprehensive self-study and site team review. The Council then met on October 22, 2023 and granted SOE accreditation at the initial- and advanced-licensure level through Fall 2029. Across all of the CAEP standards, the Council reported no areas for improvement nor any stipulations. The School of Education was highlighted in a press release from CAEP titled "35 Schools from 22 States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico Recognized for National Excellence in Educator Prep.View the accreditation report here and the accreditation congratulatory letter to President Burwell here.

Acting Co-Dean Corbin M. Campbell said, "This is an extremely rare outcome from CAEP and a real testament to SOE’s students, faculty, staff, alumni, and partners. Our alumni are ready on day one after graduation to make an immediate impact in education.”