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Andrew Flores Associate Professor Government

PhD, UC Riverside, 2015

MA, UC Riverside, 2012

BA, CSU San Bernardino, 2008

Andrew R. Flores is an Associate Professor of Government at the School of Public Affairs and a Visiting Scholar at the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law. His research focuses on attitude formation, attitude change, and public policies affecting LGBTQ populations. His research has appeared or is forthcoming in Science Advances, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Politics, the American Journal of Public Health, Policy Studies Journal, Political Behavior, Public Opinion Quarterly, Political Psychology, and other peer reviewed journals. Dr. Flores is an Associate Editor of Political Research Quarterly. Dr. Flores served as a member of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Consensus Committee on the Well-being of Sexual and Gender Diverse Populations in the US.

Dr. Flores has interest in LGBTQ politics and policy, race, ethnicity and politics, public opinion and political behavior, political representation, data visualization, data science, and political methodology.

He occasionally write for Mediaum.
See Also
SPA Department of Government
For the Media
To request an interview for a news story, call AU Communications at 202-885-5950 or submit a request.


Spring 2024

  • GOVT-653 Intro to Quant Meth in Pol Sci

  • GOVT-899 Doctoral Dissertation

  • SPA-613 Conduct of Inquiry II

Fall 2024

  • GOVT-401 LGBTQ Politics and Policy

  • GOVT-650 Political Analysis

  • GOVT-899 Doctoral Dissertation

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Selected Publications

Strode, Dakota, Tenaya Storm, and Andrew R. Flores. "Transgender and Gender Diverse People Disproportionately Report Problems when Trying to Vote than Cisgender People." Journal of Politics.

Lewis, Daniel C., Andrew R. Flores, Donald P. Haider-Markel, Patrick R. Miller, and Jami K. Taylor. 2024. "Cultural Threat, Outgroup Empathy, and Attitudes toward Transgender Rights." Political Behavior.

Goldberg, Abbie, Roberto Abreu, and Andrew R. Flores. 2023. "Perceived Impact of the Parental Rights in Education Bill on LGBTQ Parents." The Counseling Psychologist.

Flores, Andrew R., Bianca D. M. Wilson, Lynn L. Langton, and Ilan H. Meyer. 2023. “Violent Victimization at the Intersections of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Race: National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017–2019.PLoS One 18(2): e0281641.

Flores, Andrew R., Rebecca L. Stotzer, Ilan H. Meyer, and Lynn L. Langton. 2022. "Hate Crimes Against LGBT People: National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017-2019.PLoS One 17(12): e0279363.

Flores, Andrew R., Daniel Boden, Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Patrick R. Miller, and Jami K. Taylor. Forthcoming. “Taking Perspective of the Stories We Tell about Transgender Rights: The Narrative Policy Framework.” Policy Studies Journal.

Lewis, Daniel, Andrew R. Flores, Donald P. Haider-Markel, Patrick R. Miller, and Jami K. Taylor. 2022. “Transitioning Opinion? Assessing the Dynamics of Public Attitudes toward Transgender Rights.Public Opinion Quarterly 86(2): 343– 368.

Strode, Dakota and Andrew R. Flores. 2021. “Voter Registration Rates and Traits by Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in the United States.Public Opinion Quarterly 85(3): 913–928.

Flores, Andrew R., Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Patrick R. Miller, and Jami K. Taylor. 2021. “Antidiscrimination Interventions, Political Ads on Transgender Rights, and Public Opinion: Results from Two Survey Experiments on Adults in the United States.Frontiers in Psychology 12: 1–17. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.729322.

Flores, Andrew R. and Maisy R. Morrison. 2021. "Potential Differences between the Political Attitudes of People with Same-Sex Parents and People with Different-Sex Parents: An Exploratory Assessment of First-Year College Students.” PLoS One 16(2): e0246929.

Lewis, Daniel C., Barry L. Tadlock, Andrew R. Flores, Donald P. Haider-Markel, Patrick R. Miller, and Jami K. Taylor. 2019. “Public Attitudes on Transgender Military Service: The Role of Gender.Armed Forces and Society 47(2): 276-297.

Flores, Andrew R., Ilan H. Meyer, Lynn Langton, and Jody L. Herman. 2021. "Gender Identity Disparities in Criminal Victimization: National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017-2018." American Journal of Public Health doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.306099.

Flores, Andrew R., Christy Mallory, and Kerith Conrcon. 2020. "Public Attitudes about Emergent Issues in LGBTQ Rights: Conversion Therapy and Religious Refusals." Research & Politics 7(4): 1-9.

Flores, Andrew R., Lynn Langton, Ilan H. Meyer, and Adam P. Romero. 2020"Victimization Rates and Traits of Sexual and Gender Minorities in the United States: Results from the National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017." Science Advances 6: eaba6910.

Haider-Markel, Donald P., Patrick Gauding, Andrew R. Flores, Daniel C. Lewis, Barry Tadlock, and Jami K. Taylor. 2020. "LGBTQ State Legislative Candidates in an Era of Backlash." PS: Political Science & Politics 53(3): 453-459.

Miller, Patrick R., Andrew R. Flores, Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Barry L. Tadlock, and Jami K. Taylor. 2020. "The Politics of being 'Cait': Caitlyn Jenner, Transphobia, and Parasocial Contact Effects on Transgender-Related Political Attitudes." American Politics Research 48(5): 622-634.

Flores, Andrew R., Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Patrick R. Miller, Barry L. Tadlock, and Jami K. Taylor. 2020. "Public Attitudes about Transgender Participation in Sports: The Roles of Gender, Gender Identity, and Sports Fandom." Sex Roles 83(5): 382-398.

Haider-Markel, Donald, Jami Taylor, Andrew Flores, Daniel Lewis, Patrick Miller, Barry Tadlock. 2019. “Morality Politics and New Research on Transgender Politics and Public Policy.The Forum 17(1): 159–181.

Flores, Andrew R. 2019. “Persuasion and Ballot Initiatives: How Persuasive Were the Televised Campaign-Ads on Same-Sex Marriage?Politics, Groups, and Identities 7(1): 177-193.

Hasenbush, Amira, Andrew R. Flores, and Jody L. Herman. 2019. “Gender Identity Nondiscrimination Laws in Public Accommodations: A Review of Evidence Regarding Safety and Privacy in Public Restrooms, Locker Rooms and Changing Rooms.Sexuality Research & Social Policy 16(1): 70-83.

Flores, Andrew R., Mark L. Hatzenbuehler, and Gary J. Gates. 2018. “Identifying Psychological Responses of Stigmatized Groups to Referendums.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(15): 3816-3821.

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

Robert W. Bailey Award for Best Paper presented on LGBTQ Politics at the 2020 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, LGBTQ Caucus of APSA, 2020.

Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies Fellow, American University, 2019-Present.

Quigley Fellow, Mills College, 2018-2019.

Public Opinion and Policy Fellow, The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, 2015-2016.

Work In Progress

Flores, Andrew R., Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Patrick R. Miller, and Jami K. Taylor.  "Opinion Stability and Change about Bans on Transgender Athletes: Results from a Framing and Context Experiment”

Flores, Andrew R. and Dakota Strode. “The Structure and Diversity of Political Ideology and Attitudes among Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals, and Transgender People”

Professional Services

Associate Editor. Political Research Quarterly. 2022-2026.

Member. Consensus Committee on Understanding Sexual and Gender Diversity of the National Academies of Sciences, Medicine, and Engineering. 2019-2020.

Member. Status Committee of LGBT Political Scientists in the Profession of the American Political Science Association. 2017-2020.

Section Chair. Western Political Science Association Politics and Sexuality section. 2019-2020.

Media Appearances

Flores, Andrew R., Rebecca Stotzer, and Ilan H. Meyer with Lynn Langton. 2022, Dec. 21. "LGBTQ Americans are 9 times more likely to be victimized by a hate crime." The Conversation.

Flores, Andrew R. 2022. “Republican attacks on LGBTQ lives may have helped elect Democrats.” The Washington Post.

Flores, Andrew R. 2022, Aug. 16. "Most Republicans ignored constituents’ opinions on marriage equality." The Washington Post.

Flores, Andrew R., Donald P. Haider-Markel, Daniel C. Lewis, Patrick R. Miller, and Jami K. Taylor. 2022, May 24. "Americans aren’t asking for transgender sports bans. So why pass them?" The Washington Post.

Flores, Andrew R., Gabriele Magni, and Andrew Reynolds. 2020, Dec. 1. "Had LGBT voters stayed home, Trump might have won the presidential election." The Washington Post.

Flores, Andrew R., Gabriele Magni, Andrew Reynolds, and Charles W. Gossett. 2020, Nov. 30. "11 openly LGBTQ lawmakers will take their seats in the next Congress. That’s a record in both numbers and diversity." The Washington Post.

Snipe, Margo. 2020, Oct. 2. "LGBT people far more likely to violent crime victims, study says." Tampa Bay Times.

Tillett, Emily. 2019, Jul. 18. "I'm proud of who I am, but I'm more than one identity": The fight for transgender voices in 2020. CBS News.