Lilia Stone WeLead2020

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Lilia Stone
Manager of Strategic Initiatives, BSA | The Software Alliance

What was the most valuable thing you learned from WeLead?
WeLead empowered me to recognize my own authenticity and use it to lead. Through the various panels, conversations, and access to leading figures, I learned to appreciate different journeys and perspectives. 

What was your favorite part of the program?
Making genuine connections with inspiring individuals, many of whom I am still friends with, has been my favorite part of the program. When you decide to run for any type of leadership opportunity, WeLead gives you the fundamentals to instill change in your community.

What advice would you give to the current WeLead class?
You will be introduced to a group of women who are interested in serving their communities and empowering others to do the same. Make sure to be present, take advantage of the resources available and connect with the speakers and participants.

Any other thoughts on your WeLead experience?
If you are interested in learning how government works, increasing your leadership skills and expanding your network, I highly recommend this program.

Stone began working in government as an intern in the California State Senate and spent the next decade finding new and additional ways to serve constituents, through government, industry associations, and non-profits. She earned an MBA from Boston University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies and Political Science from the University of California-San Diego.