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Student Government

American University's Student Government furthers the interests and promotes the welfare of all students at AU. These interests include but are not limited to: 

  • Working alongside administrators and campus partners to form policy and solve student issues.

  • Building a two-way bridge between AUSG and the student body, media, and registered student organizations.

  • Ensuring the values of integrity, professionalism, and transparency in all of AUSG’s operations.

  • Directly representing student needs and concerns to all of AU undergraduate students through legislation and projects.

  • Organizing and executing dozens of entertaining, diverse, and educational events every week.


Asa Mack is the Assoicate Director of the Center for Student Involvement. As part of his role, he advises the Student Government and undergraduate councils. 

Office: MGC 271



AU Student Government's seal with an eagle in the center.
The Undergraduate Senate consists of 30 popularly elected senators that represent, legislate, and delineate policies regarding the concerns of the American University undergraduate student body on academics, programming, and university policy. These 30 senators represent every college and undergraduate class—as well as the campus “At-Large”—within the university.
AUSG Website