Green Office Program

The Green Office Program provides an opportunity for AU staff and faculty to contribute directly to achieving the university's sustainability goals by promoting the adoption of sustainable practices within participating offices. The action checklist provides concrete steps that offices can take to integrate sustainability into their daily work and office culture. 

Get Started
Home Office
  • Grow the AU culture of sustainability.
  • Build community across offices.
  • Provide tangible guidelines for sustainability focused actions.
  • Engage the AU and greater DC communities through sustainability education. 
  • Create opportunities for staff and faculty to expand their ownership of progress toward the university's sustainability goals. 

How to Participate

Offices that elect to participate will select action items from the Green Office Checklist. To receive recognition, offices must earn a minimum of 15 points. The checklist action items are divided into six sections: work place environment and culture, energy and water use, health and wellness, transportation, purchasing and catering, and waste. Offices are encouraged to adopt and complete as many checklist items as is feasible in their department. 

After selected action items have been completed, offices sign and submit the excel spreadsheet to the Office of Sustainability by emailing Offices must re-certify annually to maintain their Green Office Program certification. Participating offices will be featured in the sustainability newsletter, social media posts, and the AU Office of Sustainability website. Certified offices will receive a certificate to promote their Green Office Status. 

Get Started Today:

  1. Download and review the Green Office Checklist
  2. Create your Green Office Team
  3. Schedule a Green Office Presentation with Sustainability Staff
  4. Complete and email your signed checklist to

Green Office resources are available to support your team as you complete your checklist. Green Office Resources page.

Knowing that many staff and faculty are working from off-campus at least some of the time, our green office program includes suggestions in the Green Home Office Guide for greening your home office as well.

Green Office Resources are available to support your office as you work together on sustainable change.

Current Participants

Congratulations to AU's Green Offices

If your department was previously recognized as a Green Office, please complete the updated Green Office Checklist to renew your recognition. 

Learn More from Green Office Participants

Looking to improve your office culture while contributing to #ASustainableU? This program provides an opportunity for AU staff and faculty to contribute directly to the university's sustainability goals by adopting sustainable practices within your office.