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BLOG: Unveiling the Phishing Pandemic

Phishing, the practice of masquerading as a reputable source in order lure online victims into sharing sensitive information, has become a widespread threat in today's digital world. Recognizing the urgent need to tackle this growing problem, the US Chamber of Commerce hosted “Phishing Prevention: A Symposium on Protecting Consumers and Businesses” on March 20, 2024, in Washington, D.C. The American University's Shahal M. Khan Cyber and Economic Security Institute* served as an academic partner for the event, providing student volunteers to support stakeholder participation.

The event brought together over 100 representatives from various sectors, including major players like Meta, Amazon, Google, and Verizon, as well as finance and banking institutions such as Capital One, JP Morgan Chase, and American Express. Government agencies like the FBI and CISA, consumer advocacy groups, cybersecurity experts, and anti-abuse organizations also participated.

Diana Burley, Vice Provost of Research and Innovation at American University and Director of the Shahal M. Khan Cyber and Economic Security Institute, opened the event, outlining the university's interest in fighting cybercrime through policy advancements. 

Event panelists and participants emphasized the importance of working across sectors to develop effective phishing prevention strategies and enforcement mechanisms. They highlighted the need for legislative action, data sharing among victimized businesses, and the implementation of enhanced industry practices and technical solutions to deter this criminal activity. 

Read here for a full summary of event proceedings.


*The Khan Institute co-sponsored this event however the views expressed and opinions summarized in this document are those of the speakers and participants and do not necessarily represent the views or positions of the Khan Institute or its members and affiliates.