You are here: American University Learning Communities University College Welcome to AU's Cornerstone Program

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Your Future Success Starts Here

Imagine interning at the NAACP, the Human Rights Campaign, the Woodrow Wilson Center, the American Enterprise Institute, or for a member of the US Congress. Or imagine living abroad using an international city and cultural excursions as an extension of your classroom.

American University’s Cornerstone Program is an enriching opportunity to jump start your professional career or international education. Students get to choose between 1 of the 3 year-long Cornerstone Programs: the D.C. internship program, a study abroad program in Madrid during their Fall semester (for SIS Scholars only), or a study abroad program in Greece during their Spring semester. In addition to dedicated faculty and advisors, and special programming, AU Cornerstone is the only opportunity for first-year students at American University to intern or study abroad. American University is also only one of a handful of univerisities in the United States that allow first year students to study abroad or do an internship for credit.

If you are a prospective student who is interested in learning more about the AU Cornerstone program, please fill out the form below and we will reach out with additional information!

Cornerstone Interest Form

Program Benefits

  • Earn credits to satisfy AU Core and major requirements.

  • Graduate on time with the class of 2029.

  • Develop close relationships with other students and faculty.

  • Access all campus resources.
  • Live with other students in the University College Living-Learning Community. Grow through shared experiences. Enjoy LLC and Cornerstone events, designed to help you navigate DC.

Upcoming University College and Cornerstone Webinars


During the spring semester, our program and University College host webinars to inform students and parents everything they need to know about each of the programs. You can find the RSVP links to those sessions below.

University College Webinars:

AU Cornerstone Webinars:

Our program records every webinar. If you are unable to make any of these sessions, please send us an email at and we will send you the recording two to three days after the event.

Read About Our Incredible Student Experiences!

Cornerstone Madrid, DC, and Greece programs

Interested in the types of internships students get in the Cornerstone DC Program? Click the link below to see a list of most of the internships our students got from 2023 to 2025.

2023-25 Internship Experiences!