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Alger Eager to Meet AU Community, Immerse Himself in Campus Life

The university’s 16th president returns to Washington—a city he knows and loves—with enthusiasm, fresh eyes

Spotlight on Elections: US and Globally

2024 Elections: AU Faculty Thought Leaders

American University experts share their insights and research into a broad range of issues related to the 2024 elections in the United States and globally.

View the Elections Page

Global Elections Tracker

AU Voter Friendly Campus 2024

During the run-up to the US presidential election in November 2024, SIS is tracking national elections globally. Individual results may help highlight trends in democratization and democratic backsliding.

Sourced from a variety of reputable news and information outlets, the SIS Global Elections Tracker was established as a new resource for keeping apprised of politics at the national level—to promote active engagement and analysis.

View the Elections Tracker