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Graduate Leadership Council

Grad Leadership Council

The Graduate Leadership Council serves as the primary representative of the graduate student body to American University's administration, faculty, staff, trustees and alumni. The GLC works to improve graduate students' academic, social and professional experiences. To learn more about the Graduate Leadership Council and each of the five Graduate Student Councils, visit the GLC webpage.

The new club registration process is developed to ensure accountability and transparency in all Center for Student Involvement recognized clubs, and to provide the university community an accurate listing of active student organizations for the academic year. Recognition does not mean the university supports or adheres to the views held or the positions taken by recognized student organizations.

The organization and its officers are responsible for all programs, actions, or commitments made on behalf of their organization, including their debts. AU is not liable for debts incurred by the student organization. Responsibility for any action which violates federal, state, local laws and ordinances or university policies is assumed by the individual group’s officers and members.

If you're interested in starting a new graduate club at American University, applications will open on Engage on Monday, January 30.

This process is for undergrad and graduate students looking to start an organization and gain recognized status with the Center for Student Involvement. Organizations that are approved will receive active status in the Fall 2023 semester.

Requirements for starting a club include:

  • Being a current full-time student at American University
  • Attending an information session offered by CSI (dates will be released in the new year!)
  • A club constitution
  • A full-time AU faculty/staff advisor
  • A roster of at least 8 members, including a President and Treasurer
  • Accessible to all AU students

Keep an eye on our Engage page and the AU website as we release more details at the start of the spring semester!

For questions, contact Maura Fox at

What is Annual Renewal (re-registration)?

Annual renewal is CSI's renewal process for all recognized clubs and organizations. When you renew your club, your club remains active for another year. If you do not renew, your club will be frozen.

Annual Renewal is in 3 phases: Re-Register, Orientate, & Involvement Fair

When is Annual Renewal?

Phase 1 of annual renewal (Re-Registration) will be June 15-July15.

What is a frozen club?

Clubs are frozen when they do not complete annual renewal. Frozen clubs cannot host events, receive funding, or complete any financial transactions. If you are a frozen club, you can complete next year’s annual renewal to regain active status. If your club is frozen for 2 years, you will have to become recognized again via the new club registration process.

Do I have to complete all 3 phases to complete renewal?

Phase 1 and 2 are mandatory for all clubs and organizations. Phase 3 is the opportunity to engage with interested students, recruit new members, and prepare for the year.

Where can I find more information about Annual Renewal?

View CSI Website: (under Annual Renewal)

Phase 1: Re-Registration

All CSI Student Organizations must complete Engage Re-Registration by Friday, July 15. 

Any student organization that does not complete Phase 1: Re-Registration is no longer active as of Friday, July 15.


  • Login to Engage using your AU credentials 
  • Find the square box in the top right-hand corner and click “Manage”
  • Choose your organization and click “Re-Register this Organization”
  • Complete the following:
      1. Review the web tutorials
        1. Introduction to Engage
        2. Building and Managing Your Organization's Roster
      2. Confirm or update information
        1. Club constitution
        2. Club logo/image
        3. Club email
        4. Student Primary Contact
        5. Off campus address* FSL Groups Only
      3.  Manage your club roster
        1. Review your current roster
          1. Remove any graduated students or designate their position as “alumni”
          2. Remove any students who are no longer members or designate their position as “follower”
        2. Add your executive board members
          1. These are the required positions:
            • President
            • Treasurer
            • EMS Space Requester
            • ***New Member Educator (Professional Greek-lettered chapters)
        3. Confirm and add Club Faculty/Staff Advisor
        4. Review your new additions
          1. Make sure to input students using their AU email address. 
          2. All student clubs must have a minimum of 8 student members in your roster (excluding the Club Faculty/Staff Advisor
      4. Submit your re-registration form! You will receive either an "approval" or "denial" email from Engage once the submission is reviewed. If your submission is denied, review the comments for the necessary changes to your submission.

After you have submitted your submission, you can go back and view your submission to see if it has been approved or denied or finish incomplete submissions.

Have questions? Check out these resources:

More details about Phase 2 and 3 will be communicated in late July!

If you have further questions, email or (Lettered Greek Organizations only). 


Maura Fox an Assistant Director of the Center for Student Involvement. As part of her role, she advises the Graduate Leadership Council. 
Office: MGC 324