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Joseph Walton Adjunct Professorial Lecturer SIS Faculty

Joseph Walton
SIS | General Academics & Research
School of International Service
Office hours: TBD; in person, Friday afternoons; remote, anytime we can find mutual time; let's try via or use Signal to 804-677-9090
B.S. in Science with a Minor in Physics, MPA, Ph.D. of Public Policy, all from VCU!

Languages Spoken
English, basic Spanish, a little Latin :)
Favorite Spot on Campus
Anywhere with a view of D.C.!
Book Currently Reading
NYT Crossword, A-Game Poker, How to Sail, Golf Digest, Imbibe magazine
Central Virginia native for whom a winding road of technology, consulting, public policy, and politics led me to American University. I enjoy working through complex technical and security issues and "process consulting" administrative and bureaucratic intractable problems while helping fellow pilgrims on their journey through life. For fun, I enjoy golf, poker, yoga, and Virginia (or other old world) wine.


Spring 2024

  • SIS-653 Topics in U.S. Foreign Policy: Nat'l Security in Cyberspace

  • SIS-653 Topics in U.S. Foreign Policy: Int'l Cybersec Pol/Confl/Neg

Fall 2024

  • SIS-653 Topics in U.S. Foreign Policy: Int'l Cyber Risk & Sec Meth

Partnerships & Affiliations

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