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Suchi Pande Scholar-in-Residence SIS Faculty

Additional Positions at AU
Scholar in residence
PhD Development Studies,University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom

Languages Spoken
Hindi (fluent/native speaker), English, Spanish (Intermediate), Bahasa (beginner)
Suchi Pande is a scholar in residence at the Accountability Research Center. Her experience includes designing and implementing transparency laws in India; consultancies with international organizations working on open government, budget transparency and strategic approaches to accountability; leadership of action-research initiatives at the Accountability Research Center including social audits and citizen oversight and work on grievance redress mechanisms.


Community Health Workers as Rights Defenders: The Mitanin Experience in India. Development in Practice published online June 8, 2023. 

The Politics of Complaints: A Review of the Literature on Grievance Redress Mechanisms in the Global South. Policy Studies published online April 24, 2023 (with Naomi Hossain and Anuradha Joshi).

Grievance Redress Mechanisms in the Public Sector: A Literature Review. Open Government Partnership and Accountability Research Center 2022 (co-authored with Naomi Hossain).

Social Audits in Service Delivery: An Annotated Bibliography. Open Government Partnership and Accountability Research Center. 2022.

Fighting Corruption Through Social Audits in India: How Far Can Voice Go Without Teeth? 2022 (co-authored with Jonathan Fox). Blog post featured on The Global Anticorruption Blog.

Towards Effective and Inclusive Grievance Redress Mechanisms in Education. 2022. Blog post featured on UNESCO’s International Institute for Education Planning, ETICO.
See Also
Accountability Research Center
For the Media
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