You are here: American University School of Public Affairs Center for Environmental Policy EPA and the Future of Environmental Protection

EPA and the Future of Environmental Protection
April 23-24, 2019

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April 23-24, 2019
American University, Washington College of Law, Claudio Grossman Hall, 4300 Nebraska Avenue NW, Washington DC
Executive Summary
Following the environmental awakening of the late 1960’s, the US Environmental Protection Agency has helped achieve remarkable environmental progress even as the U.S. population and economy have grown. The agency has led the world in setting science-based standards and promoting environmental progress through innovative policies, partnerships, and local, regional, national and international negotiations.
Environmental protection in the future, however, may require new approaches, new tools, and possibly new legal authorities.
On the eve of the Agency’s 50th anniversary, this conference will consider EPA’s role in leading the nation and the world in meeting future environmental challenges. American University's Center for Environmental Policy and The Washington College of Law Program on Environmental and Energy Law are co-hosting this conference, in cooperation with the EPA Alumni Association and the Environmental Law Institute.