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Anita B. McBride Announced as the 2022 Lewis L. Gould Award Recipient

Anita B. McBride, former Chief of Staff for First Lady Laura Bush and currently Executive in Residence and Director of the First Ladies Initiative, received the 2022 Lewis L. Gould Award.

Anita B. McBride, former Chief of Staff for First Lady Laura Bush and currently Executive in Residence and Director of the First Ladies Initiative at American University’s School of Public Affairs, today received the 2022 Lewis L. Gould Award. The annual award, presented by FLARE, recognizes distinguished contributions to the field of First Lady research and education, and a commitment to excellence while furthering the study of American First Ladies.

Ms. McBride served in three presidential administrations over a period of two decades with a front row seat to history. She is a nationally respected authority on the impact of First Ladies and their legacies. As Director of the First Ladies Initiative at American University, she has led the planning and execution of national conferences on First Ladies, and is a frequent speaker, panelist, moderator, print source contributor and news commentator on First Ladies and White House history. She is also one of the founders of FLARE and recently co-authored the first college textbook on teaching a course on First Ladies and their legacies to be released in fall 2022.

In responding to this honor, Ms. McBride said, “In accepting this award, I would like to acknowledge the nation’s First Ladies, from Martha to Jill, for their service as women leaders in our country and for the contributions they have made to our national story.”

The Lewis L. Gould award is inscribed "For Anita McBride's exceptional and innovative efforts in promoting research and education that build upon Dr. Gould' s pioneering work in the study and understanding of American First Ladies."

The award presentation can be viewed here.