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SPA Undergraduate Research Symposium

The 16th Annual SPA Undergraduate Research Symposium (UGRS) provides a forum for undergraduate students to present their original scholarly and creative work before colleagues, friends, and faculty. A "Best of" Award will be determined and handed out for each session, which will include recognition at the annual SPA Awards Ceremony. The symposium was held Thursday April 18th, 2024, in Kerwin Hall. Below are the winners of the "Best of" for each session.

“Best of” Sessions winners are:

Domestic Policy Challenges Session
James Carney, The Effect of Refundable Child Tax Credits on Maternal Employment: A Case Study Involving Vermont and New Hampshire
Faculty Mentors: Professors Morrissey and Cowell-Meyers

Comparative Politics & Law Session
Abigail Sharkis, White Anxiety and January 6th: How State-Level Demographic Shifts Impact Twitter Statements from Republican Senators
Faculty Mentors: Professors Cowell-Meyers and Zeitzoff

Radicalism & Political Violence Session (tie)
Eric O’Driscoll, Populism and Democratic Backsliding Across Europe: A Comparative Analysis
Faculty Mentors: Professors Lublin and Cowell-Meyers

Madyson Brown, Instagram’s Algorithmic Gender Bias and its Road to Extremism
Faculty Mentors: Professors Hughes and Cowell-Meyers