Kim Durcho WeLead Class of 2019-2020

Kim Durcho we lead alumni headshot

Kim Durcho
Vice President, External Affairs, BIPAC

What was the most valuable thing you learned from WeLead?
I learned that whether we are deciding to run for office, take a new job, start a family, or even just take a vacation, there will never feel like a right time. Women often look in the mirror and think through all the “what ifs” and let doubts creep in about their abilities but if we let those overwhelm us, we may never take a chance and try something new. There is never a perfect time, but if we build solid support systems around us, we can take on anything.

What was your favorite part of the program?
My favorite part of the program was having the opportunity to meet and hear from so many talented and inspirational women. It was energizing being in the same room with other women who share the same career goals. The lessons I took from our leadership coaching sessions will stick with me forever, and I am so grateful for the experience.

What advice would you give to the current WeLead class?
Soak it all in. We all get so busy and often rush from one thing to the next, but when you are in a WeLead session take time to really listen to your classmates and hear their stories. Everyone has a unique background and a story to tell. Speak to as many people as possible and slow down to make connections. It will be invaluable going forward.

How did you secure your current position, and did it include any WeLead networking or alumnae?
Securing my current position didn’t include WeLead networking or alumnae, but I truly believe that I gained the confidence to step out and take on a new challenge because of the skills I developed during the WeLead sessions. While I hope one day to use those skills and run for office, they also positioned me well to take on my current role.

Any other thoughts on your WeLead experience?
I would recommend WeLead to any woman looking to run for office, run a campaign, or just develop skills to help in their career growth. This has, hands down, been my most rewarding professional experience.

Durcho has expertise in membership and advocacy organizations, and served as the Finance Director on the 2014 Congressional campaign of Bill Tilghman (MD-01). She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Millersville University of Pennsylvania and a Masters of Public Administration degree from Penn State University.