Laura Ransone WeLead Class of 2015-2016

Laura Ransone

Laura Ransone
Associate Director, Women in Government Relations

What was the most valuable thing you learned from WeLead?
This fall my sister ran for Commonwealth’s Attorney in our small hometown. I pulled from my WeLead experience to first, encourage her to run (since women tend to need that extra push!) and help in her campaign. Pulling from my WeLead networking skills and best practices, we campaigned at local events. I used the communications skills I learned through the program to run her social media accounts to promote her platform and engage with the community digitally.

What was your favorite part of the program?
The best part of the WeLead program is the network. The program does an amazing job bringing together a diverse group of talented and driven women. While we learn from each panel and guest speaker, the best resource is learning from our peer group. I can’t wait to see a woman from my class running for office!

What advice would you give to the current WeLead class?
Get out of your comfort zone! Introduce yourself to every person in your program and get to know them, ask the speakers questions and introduce yourself. Most importantly, connect with people outside of the program. Grab coffee or a drink with your peers (maybe a virtual one!). After each session, think critically about how to apply what you learned or advice a speaker gave you. The faster you implement something the more likely it is to stick as a habit.

How did you secure your current position, and did it include any WeLead networking or alumnae?
During a program panel one of the speakers mentioned being the chair of an industry committee I was interested in joining. After the panel I introduced myself and told her I was interested in learning more about opportunities on the committee. It just so happened that the application was about to open up. I talked to her about what they were looking for, submitted my application, and was asked to join. During my time on the committee I was able to expand my network and skill set. After three years I termed off the committee but my network within the industry still grows from those connections, all starting with WeLead.

Any other thoughts on your WeLead experience?
The WeLead network is a great resource for speakers, building partnership and members for Women in Government Relations. Last fall I worked with a colleague on programming that included speakers from College to Congress, an organization that a fellow WeLead classmate founded. It was great to use my WeLead network to bring new people into my day job.

Ransone manages the operations, communications, strategic partnerships, and events of a 1200-member women’s organization working to advance and empower women in the field of government relations.  In addition to continuing to support WeLead, she also volunteers with local youth sports.  Ransone earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business, Hospitality and Tourism Management from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and a Masters of Business Administration degree from George Mason University.