Julie Farnam WeLead2023

headshot of welead alum julie farnam

Julie Farnam
Candidate, Arlington, VA County Baord

What was the most valuable thing you learned from WeLead?
It was incredibly valuable to learn about the overall ins and outs of campaigning.

What was your favorite part of the program?
I really enjoyed exploring political communications, including op-eds, digital and direct mail.

What advice would you give to the current WeLead class?
Take the risk and do it! I'm currently running for office in Northern Virginia and my WeLead2023 classmates have been very supportive and several are helping with my campaign. 

Any other thoughts on your WeLead experience?
I cannot say enough good things about this program. I believe I was the oldest participant in my class, but I knew I really wanted to do this program because I knew I wanted to run for office. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be part of WeLead. I wasn't sure where to get started and WeLead made a run for office accessible. What makes this program unique - and why I wanted to be part of WeLead specifically - is because it is designed to empower women to run for office. As a woman, we face more challenges in the political arena than men and we are attacked and criticized more frequently and more harshly. But that will never change unless we have more women who are willing to step up, challenge the status quo, and work to make positive change in politics in our country. 

Farnam is a mother, author and small-business owner with almost 20 years experience in federal government. She earned a Master's degree in Intercultural Relations from Lesley University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Simmons University.