Michelle Meza WeLead2023

headshot of welead alum michelle meza

Michelle Meza
Master of Public Management Candidate, Georgetown University

What was the most valuable thing you learned from WeLead?
Our political system is not designed to have women run for office. The bar is higher so we need to double or even triple the effort of our male counterparts to get a seat at the table. And once we get there, the scrutiny and expectations are always higher for us. These conditions make women feel unprepared and not ready for the job, making us shy away from running for office despite our qualifications, which many times are higher than those of our male counterparts. The most valuable thing I learned from WeLead is to know that our life experience is valuable and needed, and if we are passionate and committed to improving the lives of others, we are ready to run for office. 

What was your favorite part of the program?
I loved the session where we interacted with female journalists from Politico, AP, and others about how to navigate the often adversarial relationship between public officials and the media.

What advice would you give to the current WeLead class?
Don't shy away from bringing your full self and full story to each and every conversation and exercise. Know that wherever you come from and whatever you have done in the past, there is high value in it. If you are already in the WeLead room, it's because you are ready to lead.

Any other thoughts on your WeLead experience?
To all the women out there thinking that they are unfit or unqualified to run for office, please apply to WeLead. Your voice and passion are needed in that room! 

Meza has worked in Congress, Federal agencies, academia, and non-profits for more than a decade to improve access and opportunities for marginalized communities. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree at Georgetown University, having already earned a Master's degree in Public Administration at Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.