You are here: American University Staff Council Join The Council

Join Staff Council as a Liaison

The Staff Council is an elected body of more than 23 full-time and permanent part-time AU staff which represent staff across campus and bring staff concerns to the administration.


Nominations can be submitted by the person intending to run for Staff Council, or by any colleague who nominates them. All AU full-time and permanent part-time staffer will receive a campus-wide email notifying them that the nomination period has opened. The annual nomination period generally runs in May/June and elections follow, running from mid- to late June. Elected members are notified late June and results are announced to campus in early July.

Please note the 2024 nomination and election periods are delayed. The nomination period will run from early to mid-July with the election following, and announcements made mid- to late August. Elected members will be notified and results will be announced on campus in late August. 

Duration of Commitment

Elected members who agree to join Council are asked to serve a two-year term. Following the 2-year term, elected members have the option to run for reelection and undergo a second 2-year term (if re-elected in subsequent election).

Staff Council Meetings

Staff Council members are required to attend its meetings. Staff Council meets twice a month- every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Meetings run from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM.

Time & Service Commitments

In addition to consistently attending Staff Council meetings, each Council member member is required to participate and assistance in the coordination of at least one Staff Council-hosted event each fiscal year. Every member of Council will also serve on internal Council committees, as well as on larger campus-wide committees and project teams.

Join Staff Council as a Committee Member

Staff Council has 4 standing committees that all full-time and permanent part-time staff of the university are welcome to join:

  • Diversity & Inclusion Committee: Coordinates and guides the Staff Council’s work on issues of Diversity and Inclusion on campus – particularly as they affect American University staff members. This committee is responsible for both coordinating ongoing projects and responding to individual incidents or situations that affect the American University Community.
  • Service Committee: Coordinates community assistance (book/media swap, prom dress drive, professional clothing drive, etc.) and fundraising efforts, of both regular (blood drives, annual turkey drive, dollar challenge, etc.) and emergency (disaster relief) nature.
  • Strategic Communications Committee: Oversee the website, social media, and all outgoing communications from the Council to the AU community.
  • Staff Development & Recognition Committee: Plan events such as receptions, conferences, and other leadership and professional development opportunities. This committee will also coordinate recognition and community building events for Staff Council members and the wider staff community.

Reach out to us at to be connected to the current committee chair to learn more.