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Center on International Commercial Arbitration

Works of Björn Arp

The following is a list of books and articles written by Björn Arp about topics related to international arbitration and international law. Björn Arp is the Assistant Director at the Center on International Commercial Arbitration. For more information on these publications, email

SSRN Author Page for Bjorn Arp

Selected Books

Arp, B., Las peticiones individuales ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Una Guía práctica [The Individual Petitions before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. A Practical Guide], Porrúa, México, 2014 (reprint 2015), 381 pp.

Arp, B. (Ed.), Código de Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos [Code of International Human Rights Law], Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, 2010, 344 pp., including an introductory study entitled “Introducción: La investigación sobre derechos humanos y el acceso a las fuentes de conocimiento del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos: una Guía Práctica” [Introduction: Human Rights Research and Access to the Sources of International Human Rights Law: A Practical Guide], pp. 15-29.

International Norms and Standards for the Protection of National Minorities. Bilateral and Multilateral Texts with Commentary, Boston/Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (2008).

Selected Articles

“Book review of Rodrigo Polanco, The Return of the Home State to Investor-State Disputes. Bringing Back Diplomatic Protection,” ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, No. 1 (2020).

“Conference Report: Handling Allegations of Corruption in Arbitration and Judicial Dispute Settlement,” in 6 Arbitration Brief 1 (2019), 1-11 (co-authored with A. Briscoe).

Case Note: “Slowakische Republik (Slovak Republic) v. Achmea B.V. Case C-284-16. Request for a Preliminary Ruling Under Article 267 TFEU from the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof),” in 112 American Journal of International Law (2018), 466-472.

“Integrating Human Rights into the Work of the World Bank Group: The International Finance Corporations’s Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman,” in Jiménez Piernas, C./Aronovitz, A. (eds.), New Trends in International Economic Law, Universidad de Alcalá/Schulthess Editions Romandes, Geneva/Zurich/Bale (2018), 175-202.

Case Note: “Charanne B.V. v. Spain. SCC Case No. 062/2012. Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, January 21, 2016,” in 110 American Journal of International Law (2016), 327-333.

Case Note: “Georgia v. Russia (I). Application No. 13255/07. 53 ILM 813 (2014). European Court of Human Rights (Grand Chamber), July 3, 2014,” in 109 American Journal of International Law (2015), 167-173.

“Denunciation Followed by Re-Accession with Reservations to a Treaty: A Critical Appraisal of Contemporary State Practice,” in Netherlands International Law Review, Vol. LXI (2014), 141-166.

“The Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment in Bolivia: Some Current Challenges,” in: Sauvant, K. P. (ed.), Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy, 2012-2013, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2014, 609-619.

“Commentary on the Decision on the Respondent’s Jurisdictional Objections, Pac Rim Cayman LLC v. El Salvador, ICSID Case No. ARB/09/12; IIC 543 (2012), 1 June 2012,” in Oxford Reports on International Investment Claims, 2012, available online.

“La inmunidad de jurisdicción de los Bancos Multilaterales de Desarrollo. Análisis de la práctica de los Estados Unidos de América” [Jurisdictional Immunity of Multilateral Development Banks. Analysis of the United States’ Practice], in Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales, Vol. 21 (2011), 1-31.

“Commentary on the Decision of the Ad hoc Committee, Duke Energy International Peru Investments No. 1, Ltd. v. Peru, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/28; IIC 483 (2011), 28 February 2011”, in Oxford Reports on International Investment Claims, 2012, available online.

“Commentary on the Decision on Application for a Stay of Enforcement of the Award, Pey Casado and Président Allende Foundation v. Chile, ICSID Case No. ARB/98/2; IIC 433 (2010), 5 May 2010”, in Oxford Reports on International Investment Claims, 2011, available online.

“Crónica sobre la solución de controversias en materia de inversiones extranjeras: práctica española (2018) y (2019) [Review of foreign investment dispute settlement: Spanish practice (2018) and (2019)], Transnational Dispute Management (TDM), available online at (co-authored with various other authors).