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Prather, Catherine
Assistant Director of Finance and Administration

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WCL,Washington College of Law 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016-2132 United States

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Advisory Council

In Brazil

  • Minister Carlos Mário da Silva Velloso
    Former President
    Supreme Federal Tribunal of Brazil
  • Minister Ellen Gracie Northfleet
    Former President
    Supreme Federal Tribunal of Brazil
    Rio de Janeiro
  • Minister Ari Pargendler
    Former President
    Superior Tribunal of Justice of Brazil, Brasília
  • Minister João Dalazen
    Former President
    Superior Tribunal of Labor of Brazil
  • Desembargador Fausto Martin De Sanctis
    Federal Regional Tribunal - 3rd Region of Brazil
    São Paulo
  • Desembargador Manoel Alberto Rebêlo dos Santos
    Former President
    Tribunal of Justice of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
  • Professor Nadia de Araujo
    Professor of Law, PUC-Rio
    Private Attorney, Rio de Janeiro
  • Dr. Carlos Eduardo Caputo Bastos
    Former Judge of Electoral Court of Brazil
    Private Attorney, Brasília
  • Dr. Paulo Bekin
    Private Attorney, São Paulo
  • Desembargador Flavio P. Sirangelo
    Counselor, National Council of Justice, Brasília
  • Professor Claudio Pereira
    Professor of Law, PUC-São Paulo
    Private Attorney, São Paulo
  • Juiz Marcus Onodera
    State Trial Judge of Court of Justice of São Paulo
    São Paulo

    In the U.S.

    • Stephen N. Zack, Esquire
      Private Attorney, Miami
      Former President
      American Bar Association
    • Gregory Harrington, Esquire
      Private Attorney
      Washington, DC
    • Amauri Costa, Esquire
      Private Attorney
      Washington, DC
    • Eduardo Soares, Esquire
      Western Hemisphere Law Expert
      Library of Congress
      Washington, DC
    • Renata Brazil David, Esquire
      Director, Legal Affairs
      International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO)
      Washington, DC
    • Professor Antonio Gidi
      Professor of Law
    • Bernardo Weaver, Esquire
      Secretary to the Sanctions Committee at Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC
    • Nathalia Foditsch, Esquire
      Regulatory Consultant to the Broadband Platform, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC
    • Matthew Taylor, Professor
      School of International Service, American University
    • Mark London
      Private Attorney
      Washington, DC