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Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Information for Observers

About the Competition

Thank you for your interest in attending the 28th Annual Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court Competition as an observer. Observers are invited to attend all Competition events, including the oral rounds, the receptions, and visits to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the Inter-American Human Rights system, receive guidance on how to form your own team and prepare for future competitions, and network with law students, academics, legal professionals, and human rights activists from around the world.

Observers Eligibility

Individuals who are neither registered as competitors nor coaches may attend the Competition as observers. Generally, deans, professors, and other law school officials attend as observers to learn about the Competition model and how to integrate it into their curriculum. In order to participate in the Competition, observers must demonstrate a legitimate reason for wanting to attend, as well as convey how this Competition will benefit their education or career path.

Participating institutions may bring the number of observers necessary for education purposes. The Technical Committee reserves the right to limit the number of Observers from any individual institution due to limited space in the Competition venue or other considerations in the best interest of the Competition. Observers do not submit Memorials or present oral arguments, and are not allowed to assist competing teams in any way. Observers who attend the same school as a participating Team will be treated as extensions of the Team and are subject to the same scouting rules as their school’s Team Members as outlined in Rule 10.5.

Observer Registration

Interested individuals may submit their application to attend as an observer on our registration page. You must include your resume or CV and a short paragraph describing why you want to attend. The Technical Committee will evaluate the applications and select the observers who will be participating in this year’s event. Once selected, you will be notified and asked to submit your registration fee.

Competition Costs for Observers

The registration fee for observers is US$400 and is non-refundable.

Observers are invited to stay on campus in the AU dormitories. Please look under “accommodations.” Once an observer has been accepted, s/he will receive information via email on making reservations.

In general, Competition organizers estimate that participation in the week long competitions costs approximately $750 per person, not including the cost of airfare.

Frequently Asked Questions – Observers

Can I volunteer for the Competition?

  • If you are interested in volunteering, please see our Information for Volunteers page, or email the Competition coordinator directly. Volunteers and bailiffs are separate from observers.

When should I arrive at the Competition?

  • All observers should arrive at the Competition on the Sunday morning before the Competition begins. Check-in will be held from 12:00 pm to 4:30 pm, at that time you will receive you Welcome Packets. That evening, we will have an opening ceremony at the law school building.

When and how do I pay?

  • For registration: Participants are strongly encouraged to pay with a credit card through online registration. We accept Visa and Master Card. We also accept bank transfers, money orders, and checks.
  • For housing: Housing at the American University dormitories is a separate office and, therefore, all housing payments must be directed to the Housing Officer. Housing forms require that you use a credit card.

Is the registration fee refundable?

  • No.

How do I get a visa to attend the Competition?

  • Changing United States government regulations are making travel visas harder to get. It is extremely important that all participants start the application process as far in advance as possible. Backlogs at United States consulates are causing delays of weeks and months to schedule interviews.
  • Contact the local United States embassy and apply for a tourist visa as soon as possible. However, each visa applicant is personally responsible for providing all other pertinent information to the consulate in accordance with United States regulations. Contact the consular officer at the American Embassy in your country for more information.
  • To obtain a visa, you must present documentation with your full name (include all of your last names) and an explanation of how your trip will be funded (travel, food, accommodations, etc). If your school or workplace is paying for all or part of your trip, you should obtain an official letter from the institution stating their financial contribution.
  • Please allow plenty of time for processing United States visa applications.

If I come as an observer this year, can I compete on a team in the future?

  • Yes, students that attend the Competition as an Observer may compete as a Team Member in a future Competition so long as they fulfill other eligibility requirements for a Team Member (see rule 2.5).

Do I need to read the rules?

  • Yes, several rules pertain specifically to observers, so it is a good idea to understand what your responsibilities and limitations are.  Furthermore, reading the rules will give you a better idea of the overall flow of the Competition, thus enhancing your experience.