You are here: American University Labor Relations Provost and Undergraduate Enrollment Management Division Staff – SEIU Local 500

SEIU Local 500 – Provost and Undergraduate Enrollment Management Division Staff

Representing all full-time and regular part-time professional and non-professional Employees employed below the level of Associate Director in the Provost’s Division and the Office of Enrollment. 

Recognition Clause 

Whenever used in this Agreement, “Provost’s Division” will mean all full time and regular part-time professional and non-professional Employees employed below the level of Associate Director in the Provost’s Division (also referred to as the Academic Affairs Division) by American University in Washington, DC; this bargaining unit shall include full time and regular part time non-professional Employees employed below the level of Associate Director in the Office of Enrollment; but excluding all other Employees, faculty other than staff holding adjunct appointments, students at the University paid from budget lines for student wages or Federal Work Study funds or who are Employees of the University as part of their role as students, Employees who are working in positions funded partly or totally through external sources where the University does not control their wages, confidential Employees, managers, guards and supervisors as defined by the National Labor Relations Act. 

Duration of Current Collective Bargaining Agreement 

September 16, 2022, through September 15, 2024 

Collective Bargaining Agreement(s) 

Contact Information (Union) 

SEIU Local 500
901 Russell Avenue
Suite 300 
Gaitherburg, MD  20879 
Phone:  301-740-7100 

American University: Academic Affairs — SEIU LOCAL 500 ( 

Contract Negotiations 

Tentative Contract Agreement Reached with the Provost and Undergraduate Enrollment Division Staff Unit

See announcement

Update – May 30, 2024

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500 met on May 29 and May 30, 2024 to continue exchanging and discussing proposals to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The parties reached tentative agreements on contract provisions on Layoffs and Hours of Work and Overtime and agreed on a formal process for the Union to discuss and provide feedback to University leadership on benefits and leaves.

The parties also exchanged proposals on Wages, Benefits, Leaves, and Duration.

The parties are expected to reconvene next on June 11.

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500 met on May 9 and May 10, 2024 to continue exchanging and discussing proposals to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The parties reached tentative agreements on the following contract provisions: 

  • Recognition
  • Grievance and Arbitration Procedures
  • Evaluations of Full-Time Employees
  • Job Posting
  • Health and Safety

The parties exchanged proposals on Wages, Benefits, Leaves, Hours of Work and Overtime, Layoffs, Transportation, and Discipline and Discharge.

The parties are expected to reconvene next on May 29 and May 30.

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500 met today, April 29, 2024, to continue exchanging and discussing proposals to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The Union and the University continued discussions of the University’s proposal for a one-year contract.

The Union presented the University with counterproposals on Layoffs, Transportation and Grievances, and amendments to proposals on Health and Safety, Discipline and Discharge and Job Posting. 

The University presented the Union with a counterproposal on Wages and Hours of Work and discussed Benefits.

The parties discussed their meeting schedule and will confirm a date for the next bargaining session soon.

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500 met today, April 17, 2024, to continue exchanging and discussing proposals to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The Union and the University continued discussions of the University’s proposal for a one-year contract.

The Union presented the University with a counterproposal on Wages, in addition to proposals on Hours of Work and Overtime, and Leaves.

The University presented the Union counterproposals on Layoffs and Recognition.

The parties continue to have productive sessions and will reconvene next on April 29.

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500 met today, April 9, 2024, to continue exchanging and discussing proposals to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The Union responded to the University’s latest proposals on benefits and layoff provisions.

The University presented the Union with a counter proposal on wages. The University’s proposal is for a one-year contract. The University decided that a one-year contract was the right approach due to the various inflection points over the coming months and year. Inflection points such as welcoming a new President, the ongoing work to better understand how AU operates today and how to position AU to best navigate – and thrive – in the future, and a challenging budget year. The proposal also includes a commitment to begin bargaining for a multi-year agreement no later than February 1, 2025. 

The University’s wage proposal includes across-the-board wage increases, a performance based increase pool, adjustments for eligible employees to move them further into their pay band, and equity payments.

The parties are expected to reconvene next on April 17 and April 29.

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500 met today, March 15, 2024, to continue exchanging and discussing proposals to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The University presented its proposal on benefits which builds on the Union’s proposal to update the subsidy framework for health benefits, update contribution percentages for employee-only coverage and expand eligibility for lower employee contribution percentages for individual +1 and family coverage levels.

No other proposals were exchanged.

The parties are expected to reconvene next on April 9.

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500 met today, March 8, 2024, to continue exchanging and discussing proposals to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The groups presented language and proposals to several items including Layoffs and Promotions and Reclassifications.

The parties are expected to reconvene next on March 15.

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500  met today, February 29, 2024, to exchange and discuss proposed changes to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The SEIU presented proposals on Layoffs, Wages, Benefits and a new CBA article, Transportation Policy.

The parties discussed the format of future bargaining sessions and are expected to reconvene on March 8 and March 15.

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500 met February 15, 2024, to exchange and discuss proposed changes to the collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The groups exchanged responses and proposals to several items including Employer Recognition and Job Posting, and Grievance and Arbitration. 

The parties discussed their meeting schedule and will confirm a date for the next bargaining session soon.

February 1, 2024

Representatives from the University and staff represented by SEIU Local 500 met today to begin negotiations on a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

The committees reviewed their agreed upon bargaining norms and discussed a schedule for negotiations.

The bargaining norms cover who is on the bargaining committees, meeting format and conduct of bargaining sessions, how agendas will be exchanged in advance of bargaining sessions, proposals will be shared, and a commitment to engaging in a collaborative and respectful negotiation and partnership. 

Both groups also exchanged and discussed their initial set of proposals for changes to the CBA.

SEIU proposed changes to:

  • Grievance and Arbitration Procedures

American University proposed changes to:

  • Recognition
  • Employment Status
  • Grievance and Arbitration Procedures
  • Evaluations of Full-Time Employees
  • Job Posting

The parties are expected to reconvene on February 15 and March 8.

Frequently Asked Questions

Effective with the February 17, 2023, payroll for bi-weekly paid staff, and February 28, 2023, for monthly paid staff, in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement that was ratified by the SEIU and AU in September 2022, the University will begin to withhold dues and fees for staff covered by the SEIU staff bargaining unit. The following FAQs may answer questions employees may have the deductions. 

Q. I understand that a union represents staff in the Provost and Undergraduate Enrollment Divisions at American University. Is that correct?

Yes, generally, staff who hold non-supervisory positions below the level of Associate Director in the Provost and Enrollment Divisions are represented by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 500. Please see Article 1 of the agreement for more information.

If you are a member of the bargaining unit as defined in Article 1, you are covered by the Agreement and represented by the Union, whether or not you join the Union.

Q. Is there a collective bargaining agreement in place, and if so, where can I find it?

Yes, the current Collective Bargaining Agreement is online at

Q. Do I have to pay dues to the union in order to be employed at AU?

If you are employed in a position that is part of the Provost and Undergraduate Enrollment Divisions bargaining unit represented by SEIU Local 500, you are required to either join the Union or pay an agency fee (a service charge as a contribution toward the cost of administration of the Agreement and representation by the Union) as a condition of your employment with American University. Failure to pay dues or fees can result in termination of employment (See Article 7, Section 3(B) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement).

Q. How were the amount of dues and agency fee determined?

The amount of the dues and agency fee is determined solely by the Union.

Q. If I decide not to join the Union, am I still covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement?

Yes, you are covered by the Agreement if your position is part of the bargaining unit as defined in Article 1, Section 1.3.A, whether or not you join the Union. You will also be required to pay an agency fee (a service charge as a contribution toward the cost of administration of the Agreement and representation by the Union) as a condition of your employment with American University, meaning that failing to pay the agency fee can result in termination of employment. 

Q. Where can I find an explanation of my rights and responsibilities under the Collective Bargaining Agreement?

The Agreement itself is the best source for understanding your rights and responsibilities. The Agreement is online at

Q. What should I do if I think the University is not living up to its obligations under the Collective Bargaining Agreement?

Article 6 specifies a process for staff in the bargaining unit to pursue if they believe the University is not fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement. Both the University and the Union encourage staff to seek an informal resolution of a problem before initiating the formal process. Informal resolution can include discussions with your manager, Human Resources, the union, or other appropriate offices to explore and address the matter.

Q. Who should I contact if I have questions?

If you have questions about an AU issue, discuss it with your supervisor. If they cannot answer your question, contact your department’s HR Representative, who can answer questions about the Collective Bargaining Agreement. You can also contact the Office of Human Resources at If you have questions about the Agreement, it is also appropriate to contact the Union.

Q: How do I go about joining SEIU Local 500, authorizing due or agency fees, or finding out more about union membership?

Employees interested in information about the union should contact SEIU Local 500,