Gifts and Donations

American University Music Library always appreciates the consideration of those who would like to contribute gifts and donations to enhance our library collection. It is our commitment to continue building the collection which supports the curriculum of the Department of Performing Arts. Gifts and donations are accepted at the discretion of the music librarian on a highly selective basis.

Acceptance Standards & Procedure

All prospective donor must fill out our Donation-in-Kind Form and attach a complete itemized list of the materials they wish to donate.

Items are evaluated based on the suitability of their contents and format, and physical condition. Due to the limitations of available space and processing resources, we acquire only those materials which are relevant to the needs of the library and department. 

The following items will not be accepted:

  • Titles owned in the library collection
  • Reel-to-reel audio recordings
  • Cassette tapes
  • Vinyl records
  • Compact discs
  • Items in poor condition
  • Unpublished sound recordings
  • Unauthorized copies of published recordings

Please note, the Library reserves the right to refuse any potential gift and is not obliged to return unsolicited materials. Unsolicited materials delivered to the library cannot be sent back to the donor.

University policy and IRS regulations prohibit American University Library staff from appraising material donations. For questions on donating appraised items, please contact the library's development officer at (202) 885-3199.