Selected Faculty Research

Recent Publications

Selected Grants

Confirmation of the Low Glutamate Diet as a Treatment for Gulf War Illness

Effects of Age and Lesion Location on Motor, Cognitive, and Behavioral Outcomes in Pediatric Posterior Fossa Patients

  • PI: Catherine Stoodley
    Investigator/Statistician: Elizabeth Malloy
  • $396,041 from National Cancer Institute, ending 2025

Data-Driven Multi-modal Fusion for the Analysis of Energetic Material Systems

  • PI: Zois Boukouvalas
  • $200,000 from Energetics Technology Center, ending 2023
  • Using Advanced Machine Learning techniques and data from multiple sources, and of different nature, i.e. multi-modal, to design, prototype, and evaluate an end-to-end system for the synthesis, analysis, and handling of energetic materials.

Human Assisted Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Approaches for Energetics

  • PI: Zois Boukouvalas
  • $160,000 from Energetics Technology Center, ending 2023
  • Develop human assisted machine learning and natural language processing approaches to infer information about energetic materials and long-range precision fires technologies from highly technical open literature sources. 

Analysis of Hierarchical Eigentasks and Change-Point Detection in SRI Lifelong Learning Ma

  • PI: Nathalie Japkowicz
    Co-PIs: Roberto CorizzoMichael Baron
  • $210,00 from Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (subcontract with SRI International), ended 2021

Statistical Detection of New Patterns and Potential Threats in Geospatial Sequences of Social and Political Events

  • PI: Michael Baron
  • $200,000 from National Science Foundation, ended 2021

Data Analysis, Visualization, and Knowledge Discovery for Early Detection of Child Victimization.  

  • PI: Maria Barouti, Zois Boukouvalas, Nathalie Japkowicz, Alex Godwin, Alexandra Kapatou, Jane Wall, Toks Fashola, Mary W. Gray, Nimai Mehta
  • $4000 from CAS Faculty Mellon Fund, 2019 

Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States: A Visual Exploration

  • Mellon Grant awarded to Data Science MS student, Allison Ragan Spring/Summer 2021