Upcoming and Past Events

As part of its mission, the Transatlantic Policy Center is committed to organizing high-profile events with policy makers and scholars. The goal is to foster debate and discussions on Europe, transatlantic relations, and the core themes of the Center: rule of law and democratic backsliding, immigration and integration, security and technology, and trade and regulations. The Center will also highlight events organized by partners and colleagues in American University.

Jean-Monnet in the USA Series

The Center is proud to co-sponsor the Jean-Monnet in the USA Series, #JMintheUS. An initiative of several EU-funded universities across the United States, the JMintheUS initiative seeks to increase access to programming on European and Transatlantic Affairs to communities throughout the country.

In the Community

SIS students Josh Eliot, Gabby MacKay, Kevin Farmer, and Grace Roundcount pose with glass trophies after winning the Schuman Challenge.


AU Notches First Place in Schuman Challenge

On April 5, an AU team of four SIS students won first place in the Schuman Challenge, an annual academic competition hosted by the EU Delegation to the United States.

Full Story

Upcoming Events

What Next for EU Foreign Policy?

Join us on September 24 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm, for a discussion of the future of EU foreign policy with Pietro Ducci, the European Parliament's Director-General for External Policies of the Union.

Register Here

Upcoming Events

October 22: A Conversation with H.E. Francisco Duarte Lopes, Ambassador of Portugal to the United States.

Times and additional details to follow.

1 May 2023
Ukraine and the Enduring Struggle for Freedom
27 March 2023
 Belarus and the Struggle for Democracy in Europe
2 March 2023
SIS Ambassadors Up Close: Women in Diplomacy
10 February 2023
The Future of UK Diplomacy
8 February 2023
Nordic Security Transformed
15 November 2022
Transatlantic Cooperation Amidst Fragmentation and Shocks
24 March 2022
Discussion about transatlantic trade and technology
15 March 2022
Transatlantic dialogue on LGBTQI rights
2 December 2021
Transatlantic forum with KU Leuven and American University students
16 November 2021
Discussion on renewed Transatlantic trade and investment with French Minister Franck Riester
21 April 2021
Webinar with the Moldovan Ambassador to the United States
19 April 2021
Discussion on Secession Movements in Ireland, Scotland, Spain, and Canada
14 April 2021
The EU Economy and the Pandemic
6 April 2021
Spotlight on the Eastern Mediterranean: A Conversation with the Greek and Cypriot Ambassadors 
24 February 2021
A Conversation with Martin Weiss: Austrian Ambassador to the US 
16 February 2021
Book Talk: Andrew Imbrie's Power on the Precipice
26 January 2021
The United Kingdom's Foreign Policy in a Post-Brexit World 
16 November 2020
Reconstructing and Rethinking Social and Racial Justice Post-COVID-19
12 November 2020
Virtual Briefing: The Transatlantic Relationship After the Elections
14 October 2020
A Book Discussion with Ambassador Anthony Gardner and Prof. Michael Kimmage
12 October 2020
EU Migration and Security
6 October 2020
Populism & Democratic Backsliding in Europe
16 September 2020
Europe at a Crossroads: A Conversation with the EU, French, & German Ambassadors
29 July 2020
Rising Autocrats and "Freedom Fighters" organized by our partner the Center for European Studies at the University of Florida
27 February 2020
Film Screening - Uncivil War: US Elections Under Siege
15 October 2019
Countdown to Brexit: Causes, Consequences, and Controversies
6 November 2019
Northern Ireland and Brexit: A Conversation with Brendan O’Leary
With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union