Welcome to the School of International Service! As you prepare to begin your graduate program, here is a checklist to guide you through the essential steps. Please feel free to contact your Student Success Coach or Academic Advisor with any questions. 

Fall 2024 Deadlines

All deadlines are as soon as possible unless noted below.

Course Registration
April 11
Confirm Course Schedule
August 23
Pay Semester Bill
September 2
Program Bootcamp
October 15

Refer to your welcome email and connect with your Student Success Coach (SSC) who will work with you to ensure you feel prepared starting the program. 

Schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor to discuss future course planning, progress toward graduation, and more personalized insights on program courses and educational experiences.  

  • Confirm with your Admissions Counselor that all official transcripts are on file (unopened and sent directly from your academic institution(s) to AU). 

  • Send official transcripts electronically to applicationservices@ironline.american.edu

  • Request missing official transcripts within 3 days of receiving your SSC’s welcome email. 

  • Official transcripts must be received by the start of the semester. 

  • Change to: Access to Canvas is typically 1-2 weeks prior to semester start. 

  • Ensure Canvas course enrollments match your Eagle Service schedule. 

  • Email your academic advisor and student success coach if your Eagle Service & Canvas courses do not match. 

  • Use Eagle Finance to pay your semester bill.  

  • Refer to Student Accounts for payment instructions. 

  • Contact financial aid/your award office if you have questions. 

  • Complete the program Bootcamp by the deadline listed above.

  • An invitation to this Canvas course, which covers critical skills for your graduate program, will be sent by the program office. 

  • Register for the SIS Language Tool of Research Exam, as applicable. 

  • Check the Language Proficiency page on the IR Online Advising website for offered languages and registration details. 

  • Click on registration link above to find upcoming exam dates.

  • Discuss during your first academic advising appointment. 

First Semester Registration Recommendations

In general, we recommend students begin with Core or Methods Courses for their first semester (See your academic advising worksheet).

Common Pairings if taking 6 credits:

  • SISG-760: Global International Relations: History, Theory, Practice
  • SISG-763: Quantitative Methods 


  • SISG-761: Intercultural Communication
  • SISG-773: Introduction to Economics OR SISG-764 International Economics* *Placement test required


  • SISG-762: Global Governance
  • SISG-760: Global International Relations: History, Theory, Practice

Note: We recommend students do not take Quantitative Methods & Economics in the same semester.

*Less course offerings are available in the summer term. 

Feel free to meet with your academic advisor to discuss. 

Recommendations (See your academic advising worksheet):

  • Starting with Core courses, if possible.
  • Taking economics and methods in different semesters.  

Note: Several courses are only offered in certain semesters so it is important to look and plan ahead to ensure your course choices are offered when you need to take them.

Fall Semester:

  • Proseminar - SIS-686
  • Cross-Cultural Leadership & Management (with in person immersion at AUs campus) - SIS-775 *This has a special registration process through the program office.

Spring Semester:

  • Proseminar - SIS-686
  • Concentration or Economics

Summer Semester:

  • Methods
  • Concentration Course