You are here: American University School of Education Dean's Message
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4801 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016-8030 United StatesMessage from the Interim Dean
It is an honor and pleasure to welcome you to American University’s (AU) School of Education (SOE)!
The School of Education is the newest academic unit at AU, with 1,643 enrolled students and 66 full-time faculty in academic year 2023-24. Historically part of the College of Arts and Sciences, in 2019, the Board of Trustees approved making the School independent in order to expand the university’s emphasis on education as a “change lever” for the community and beyond. And a change lever we will be! #WeareSOE!
As Interim Dean, I proudly advocate and champion our vibrant community that has gained national attention because of its inclusive excellence and faculty and staff commitment to antiracist teaching and learning (see the Diverse: Issues in Higher Education article). As the School’s brand evolves, enrollment and faculty have grown significantly over the last five years. For instance, as the higher education partner for City Teaching Alliance (a national teacher residency program), the School enrolls 150-300 new MAT students annually. Also, the School’s EdD program is the largest doctoral program on campus, with nearly 130 enrolled doctoral students.
Nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and by DC’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), the School offers an undergraduate teacher preparation program, online and in-person masters programs in Special Education, and Education Policy and Leadership, an online EdD in education policy and leadership program, and a post-masters graduate certificate in Antiracist Administration, Supervision, and, Leadership. Coursework for the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential is offered for aspiring early childhood educators, by virtue of an innovative collaborative relationship we have with Martha’s Table, LIFT-DC, and Trinity Washington University.
The School is also home to the Center For Postsecondary Readiness and Success (CPRS), which concentrates its research, professional development opportunities, and knowledge dissemination on improving the postsecondary opportunities for students who are historically disenfranchised and underrepresented on college campuses, and the Institute for Innovation in Education (IIE) which conducts educational and translational research and administers research-informed professional development initiatives to improve teaching and learning in Washington, DC, and beyond.
We highlight aspects of our School’s growth over the last several years below:
- SOE has enrolled more than 60 DC high school seniors in the region's only education-based Dual Enrollment Program. Two former dual enrollees graduated from the Teaching Fellows Program in 2024, part of our signature efforts to expand on the Teacher Pipeline Project for DC students interested in teaching.
- SOE faculty have raised over $10M in research grants since FY 2020 from funders such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, and Northrop Grumman.
- SOE development and campaign commitments exceed $4.6 million in pledges and gifts of $50K and above from 2019 to 2023.
- Since 2020, SOE faculty has increased by 312% to accommodate undergraduate and graduate interests and aspirations in education.
- SOE full-time faculty of color have grown from 29% of total faculty in FY 2020 to 51% in FY 2024.
Driven by our mission, vision, and core values, our faculty, staff, students, alum, and community members regularly engage in active learning, culturally responsive pedagogy, rigorous scientific discovery, and passionate advocacy and community-based engagement. Whether online or in-person, our distinguished faculty and staff members work every day to achieve our vision of an antiracist and equity-driven community in which all students are given the support they need to realize their unique potential and develop the creativity and resilience that will lead to a successful career in education. Our goal is to provide multiple pathways and modalities for students to achieve their goal(s) of becoming educator!
Washington, DC is an exceptional place to pursue a degree in education because of the rich and diverse education settings that surround us—public schools, charter schools, education non-profits, government agencies, etc. The local feel of Spring Valley, just down the street from the main campus on Massachusetts Avenue where the School is located, offers a space to rejuvenate and recharge.
As you explore our website, I hope you will discover our dedication to helping students thrive and find joy in learning. We truly believe that education is a social determinant of various aspects of our lives—health/nutrition, justice, community development, and economic stability. Life at the AU SOE is full of excitement and, most importantly, it’s a place where classrooms come alive with purpose through conversation, collaboration, and hands-on experiences. We engage in Big Ideas webinars and summer institutes like SIEEJ 2025 intended to serve as transformational change and justice for all! #WeareSOE!
I hope you’ll join us as a new student, a new partner, and collaborator at AU SOE!
Rodney Hopson, Interim Dean and Professor
View my bio and connect with me on LinkedIn.