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Key Executive Leadership Certificates Program Options

Women in Leadership participants after a session

Based on the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) developed by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Key Executive Leadership Certificate is designed to provide a unique experience for enthusiastic and seasoned manager who have an interest in strengthening management skills, heightening leadership skills, and furthering their public service career.

Wooden figure walking up wooden stairs on dark blue background to illustrate moving upward and coaching

Executive Coaching

Open Enrollment Certificates include Executive Coaching. Read about Key's Coaching Program.

Executive Coaching

Certificate Program Levels

Aspiring Leaders

Participants will be encouraged to explore their assumptions about management and leadership, to review well-known theories of leadership, and to recognize that leadership is not a single, unified concept.

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New Supervisors

The United States Office of Personnel Management points out in its Classification and Qualification Guide that supervisors have a responsibility to not only be leaders, but to do so while exhibiting a myriad of adaptive leadership skills

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Advanced Leaders

They will examine how thinking about leadership has changed in recent years, moving away from a focus on leadership traits and characteristics, towards a view that sees leadership as shared, relational, and part of a complex social dynamic involving inquiry and dialogue. 

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This program ensures that participants ultimately develop the foresight, insight, and the emotional and social intelligence competencies needed to create vision, execute strategic goals, obtain innovative ideas from employees

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The SES Leadership Development Program focuses on both individual and collective leadership development. Participants become highly relationally competent to mentor and develop others and increase employee engagement.

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Connect with the Director

Have you found a program you are interested in and need more information? Connect with the Key Programs Director, Dr. Patrick Malone to start a conversation and get started your team's leadership journey! 


Program Cohort Options

Key offers Open Enrollment and Agency-Sponsored cohorts for the Executive Leadership Certificate. All courses align with OPM ECQs with Executive Coaching services available for all programs. To further meet the needs of specific agencies, customizable are available as part of the agency-sponsored cohorts. 

The Key Executive Leadership Programs have designed a certificate program around a curriculum essential for those working in the public sector. The certificate program contains eight courses that are connected to one of the five Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) for the Senior Executive Service (SES) as defined by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.


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In addition to sending individuals to open enrollment programs, Key offers agencies and organizations the option of procuring an entire cohort. Agencies also have the option to customize the core Key Program to better meet the needs of the agency. 
