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Humility. Authenticity. Commitment. Robert M. Tobias Certificate of Achievement Award

Nomination Form

About the Award

Nominations for the 2024 Award Cycle are due December 31, 2024!

This award annually recognizes senior federal leaders for their individual performance in the Key Executive Leadership Program. Awardees display humility, authenticity, vulnerability, and a commitment to personal and professional development. They exhibit enthusiastic cohort support and demonstrate a strong commitment to their leadership journey and the journey of those they lead.

By exhibiting authentic behavior and a commitment to the growth of their cohort as a learning team, they exhibit the values of the founder of the Key Certificate Programs for whom the award is named.

Award Presentation
Nomination Process & Form

Nominees must be currently enrolled in a Key Executive Leadership Certificate Program.

Recipients of the Robert M. Tobias award are honored at a Key Executive Leadership event held annually in Washington, DC. Key's offerings draw hundreds of federal leaders from the government dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in public service and workforce transformation.

  • Nominations are due December 31, 2024
  • Complete the nomination form linked here.
  • Please address all inquires/nominations to the Robert Tobias Award Committee
  • Selections will be announced in Spring 2025
  • Email for more information

Meet the 2023 Nominees

Read the nominees' full bios by clicking on each of their photos.

Scott Adkins Laboratory Director Horticultural Research Laboratory U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Key Cohort REE SES 12

Vincent Calabresa U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Key Cohort REE SES 11

Arminda Damara Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)   Key Cohort DOT AL 12

Kevin Hubbard Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)  Key Cohort DOT AL 12

Mark Ryan United States Secret Service  Key Cohort USSS 9a

Alexander Turner U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)  Key Cohort MRP 15

Norman Arevalo Maritime Administration (MARAD) Key Cohort DOT AL 12

Carie Cameron U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Key Cohort MRP 15

Dan Durfee U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) FS AL 23

Sherry Hunt U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)  Key Cohort REE SES 11

Rosie Stahl Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)  Key Cohort DOT AL 12

Daniel Borchert U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Key Cohort MRP 14

Gillian Carroll United States Secret Service Key Cohort USSS 9a

Tonya Hadjis U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)  Key Cohort MRP 14

Caitlin Nabinger U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)  Key Cohort DOT AL 12

Dionne Toombs U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)  Key Cohort SES 12

Get to Know the 2022 Awardees

Working in the public service, particularly within the federal government, is an honorable endeavor that demands dedication, integrity, and a commitment to serving a higher purpose. - Scott Bauer, 2022 Tobias Awardee

Scott Bauer, Director, Acquisition Human Capital Initiatives

Scott W. Bauer is the Director of Acquisition Human Capital Initiatives with leadership of a Department of Defense (DoD)-wide alternative personnel system, $100+ million workforce development account, and industry/government exchange programs. Previously, he was competitively selected for the Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program to serve as the Acting Senior Executive Advisor within the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In this capacity, he oversaw functional areas related to DHS’s 15,000+ acquisition workforce including an 80-person enterprise-wide Acquisition Professional Career Intern Program and management of the Homeland Security Acquisition Institute. Formerly, as the Associate Director of Production, Coordination & Optimization at Defense Acquisition University (DAU), he led a communication campaign for the first department-wide acquisition human capital redesign in 30 years for more than 185,000 acquisition workforce members.

Embrace the challenges - they will make you stronger. Welcome the frustrations - they will make you wiser. And never forget the power of the ripples you send out - they can change the world. It won't always be easy. - Kelly DeGraff, 2022 Tobias Awardee

Kelly DeGraff, Deputy Assistant Administrator, NPD, FEMA, Department of Homeland Security

Ms. Kelly L. DeGraff is currently serving as the Deputy Assistant Administrator (A) for National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) at FEMA. She leads seven business units that work across FEMA to ensure a ready and prepared Nation. These units provide policy and standards, develops programs, and delivers education, training, and exercises to instill equity, promote climate resilience, and promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared Nation. DeGraff also served as the Assistant Administrator for FEMAs Fund Management Directorate where she was responsible for the execution of more than $20B in funding and strategically overseeing human, financial, and information resources for FIMA. She also served as the Deputy Director for the UDSA’s Office of Homeland Security where she led a department wide initiative to refresh the vision, mission, and values enabling staff to deliver results and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

Working with my colleagues, knowing that we are making a difference every day to enhance the national security of our great nation – whether that’s protecting our nation’s leaders or our financial infrastructure – truly keeps me energized. Kyo Dolan

Kyo Marie Dolan, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Secret Service

Special Agent in Charge (SAIC) Kyo Dolan’s career with the U.S. Secret Service spans more than 20 years with over 22 years of service in the Federal Government. SAIC Dolan currently serves as the Special Agent in Charge of the Richmond Field Office, which encompasses 84 of 95 counties in Virginia. During her tenure in the Secret Service, she has worked to enhance the four pillars encompassing the Secret Service’s comprehensive cyber mission – investigations, protection, intelligence, and policy. She has directed surge force collaboration missions with Intelligence Community and Federal partners in direct support of cyber protective operations for Presidential, Vice-Presidential visits and National Special Security Events. In her previous role as the Deputy Special Agent in Charge of Cyber Operations at HQ, she oversaw all cyber protective and cyber investigative operations for the Secret Service. She applied her computer forensic, networking, and cyber investigative experience to serve on the 3-person team that developed the Secret Service’s inaugural cyber protection program to safeguard the President and USSS protectees – Critical Systems Protection (CSP). The CSP Program has been emulated world-wide as it is deemed as the leader in cyber protection programs. From 2018 – 2020, DSAIC Dolan served as the Senior Cyber Advisor to the National Intelligence Officer for Cyber Issues within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence at CIA HQ. In this capacity, she authored and published classified intelligence assessments pertaining to cyber threats to national security as well as provided classified threat briefings to Cabinet-level officials and the National Security Council.

Zona Lewis profile photo

Zona Lewis, Director, Military Community Outreach, Department of Defense

Zona Lewis assumed the duties of director for Military Community Outreach within the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy in September 2022. With more than 30 years of military quality-of-life program management experience, Ms. Lewis directs communications, outreach and engagement across all MC&FP directorates and programs to support the well-being and readiness of more than one million military families. She is also responsible for the office’s digital media and resources, including and more than two dozen other platforms.

About Robert M. Tobias

Bob Tobias photo

Robert M. Tobias served as the Director of the Key Executive Leadership Programs from 2002 to September 2014 and continued as the Director of Business Development until September 2019. He founded the Key Executive Leadership Certificate Program in 2002. Professor Tobias also serves as a member of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board. He was previously nominated and selected to serve on the Human Resource Management System Senior Review Advisory Committee and the Commercial Activities Panel. Prior to his work at American University, Professor Tobias was the General Counsel, and then National President, of the National Treasury Employees Union.

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