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Open Enrollment Executive Leadership Development Certificate Program Cohort Option for Individuals | GS Level 12 or above

Ruth Zaplin talking with students in a classroom.

The training and development provided by the Key Executive Leadership Development Program ensures that participants ultimately develop the foresight, insight, and the emotional and social intelligence competencies needed to create vision, execute strategic goals, obtain innovative ideas from employees as a result of increased employee engagement, and develop the collective intelligence needed to address today’s complex challenges.
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Wooden figure walking up wooden stairs on dark blue background to illustrate moving upward and coaching

Executive Coaching

Open Enrollment Certificates include Executive Coaching. Read about Key's Coaching Program.

Executive Coaching

The Key Experience

The Key Executive Leadership Certificate is designed to provide a unique experience for enthusiastic and seasoned public servants who have a desire to hone their leadership capacity and strengthen their professional management skills. As part of a nationally-ranked Executive Leadership Program, Key's services and results are one of a kind, presenting students with a unique learning environment and leadership journey. 

Key Services & Results

Key programs are designed with the most current federal leadership requirements in mind.

Courses in the Key Executive Leadership Programs are linked to OPM Senior Executive Service (SES) Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs). Through this foundation for learning, Key students are well positioned to grow the skills that are needed and meet agencies' current challenges.

All Key Executive Programs include the option for executive coaching - one-on-one professional development designed to enhance a student's potential to create higher engagement, personal development, and performance for themselves and others, the core qualities needed for today's change-adept leaders. Executive coaching is a way of working with people that leaves them more competent and more fulfilled.

The Program is not theoretical; rather, students are challenged to immediately apply what they learn in their workplace and report the results for discussion in the classroom.

Key Open Enrollment Certificate Course Descriptions

ECQs: Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Business Acumen, Building

Description:  Participants will explore who they are as leader and who they wish to become by building the emotional intelligence fabric that makes for successful leadership. Participants build a safe, supportive, and collaborative learning community and are challenged to replicate it with those they lead. In addition, participants develop and learn how to leverage their emotional and social intelligence to enhance their abilities in managing conflict for positive results, coaching and mentoring those they lead, influencing others, inspiring others, building consensus, and fostering teamwork in pursuit of agency goals.

ECQs: Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Building Coalitions

DescriptionParticipants will explore the question, "why lead?" and examine the unique role of leadership versus management in the public sector. Participant's perceptions of management versus leadership are challenged through a series of exercises and class discussions. This course also addresses the unique balance of leader/member exchange, personality, and leadership burnout. Leadership competencies in the public context are presented and discussed, along with significant exposure to the impact of politics, power, and culture on today's public sector leader. Finally, the role of conflict in leadership is explored and applied using real time workplace challenges. 

ECQs: Leading People, Results Driven, Business Acumen, Building Coalitions

Description: Managers and leaders increasingly understand the benefit of a coaching style of leadership to develop the capabilities, close performance gaps, teach skills, impart knowledge, motivate, engage, and inculcate desirable work behaviors and competencies of those they lead. This course focuses on the concepts, skills, and techniques needed to positively impact performance through coaching.

ECQs: Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Building Coalition

Description: Participants will learn to navigate unique challenges to leading in the public sector including a constitution that provides individual employee protections, 535 members of Congress who serve as a Board of Directors for Executive Branch actions, and a governance system that encourages intense public scrutiny.

Public sector leadership in the U.S. takes place within a democratic-constitutional framework defined by constitutional and administrative law. Legal requirements may be consonant or at odds with achieving mission-based results, cost-effectiveness, motivating employees, and serving customers. However, they are binding on all public managers and employees. This course shows how and why constitutional-legal requirements, and the values underlying them, must be integrated into general administrative processes, practices, and systems. 

ECQs: Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Business Acumen, Building Coalitions

Description: Participants will learn how to deploy themselves as leader facilitators who act as "instruments of change" by creating high performing teams and team synergy. Participants are introduced to the concept of building a team charter where they master the art of facilitating their cohort group through the essential building blocks of developing a charge, defining their purpose, clarifying their roles, utilizing norms/procedures, and leveraging relationships. Participants engage in a process of real time team building in an experiential approach where they learn about group dynamics including the tension between task and process, stages of group development, political dynamics, and overt and covert processes.

ECQs: Leading Change, Results Driven, Building Coalitions

Description: Participants will dissect the role of strategic communication along with the role of marketing and branding in a public sector context. This course discusses how to bring the strategic planning and marketing principles that have long been successful in the private sector to public policy work. Topics explored include: how to create a strategic plan to determine your communications objectives; how to develop an audience-based communications strategy; and how to test concepts and materials. The module also looks at how to create a marketing communication strategy that goes beyond informing and begins transforming audiences. Finally, as a government entity or an organization with a social mission, participants need to become depositories of public trust in order to be effective in their work.

ECQs: Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Business Acumen, Building Coalitions

Description: Participants will learn the importance of managing change effectively to successfully implement public policy. This course expands awareness, strengthens skills, and integrates into participants' experience useful concepts and practical tools so that Participants are more able to initiate and lead a successful change effort for results.

ECQs: Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Business Acumen, Building Coalitions

Description: Participants will learn that leadership starts with the leader and not the led. This course focuses on reviewing different leadership styles, creating a personal leadership philosophy based on the identification of values and vision, identifying the factors that motivate employees; all with the goal of successfully leading public policy implementation.