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The Civic Life: An American University Experience

A university-wide initiative for civic education and engagement.

Civics is the cornerstone of human interaction. How we engage with one another, with communities, and with institutions, shapes politics, economics and business, education, and culture. Civics done well is constructive, collaborative, and additive. A critical part of building a campus climate of respect and belonging and preparing our students to be leaders in a complex world is fostering the knowledge and skills of civic engagement. How we engage matters.

We all need to learn and practice the skills of persuasion based on research, evidence, ethical reasoning, intellectual humility, teamwork, resilience, active listening, and respect. Together we will learn how to approach these conversations with the understanding that we will not always agree, but we can find paths forward together.

The Civic Life builds on American University’s strengths in civic education and engagement across numerous disciplines (ranging from politics to the arts to STEM to business) and provides the tools we all need to engage and solve problems with one another and across viewpoints, perspectives, and lived experiences. While we often talk about civics in terms of democracy, elections, and government, it is a much broader concept that is at the heart of who we are and what we do.

The Civic Life brings together curricular and co-curricular opportunities, classroom discussions, perspectives from both AU and external experts, partnerships with leading organizations such as Institute for Citizens and Scholars, community service opportunities, and numerous other ways for community members to interact, learn, and grow. It will feature signature AU centers and programs, such as the Sine Institute of Policy and Politics, the Project on Civic Dialogue, AU Votes, and the Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL), among others. This includes a Dialogues Across Differences initiative to advance our inclusive excellence work and key values of respectful inquiry, critical thinking, and active listening. 

Programs & Events

A faculty member and student engage in conversation

Project on Civic Dialogue

Founded in 2018, the project helps students cultivate a love of and the skills for listening and communicating ideas across differences.

Student asking question at event

Dialogue Across Differences

This new initiative will promote and model AU’s key values of respectful inquiry, critical thinking, active listening, and principled changemaking. 

Ultimately, the program will educate our community to be informed and engaged members of society, promote dialogue, and build connections. An understanding of civics helps individuals understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens, promotes critical thinking and problem-solving, and contributes to responsible action. By engaging in this work, every AU student can achieve learning outcomes that lead to both individual opportunities and success and broader progress in our society.