You are here: American University About Labor Relations

NLRB Notice of Election

Below please find a notification from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to inform certain employees of an election to determine whether Service Employees International Union, Local 500 will become the certified as the representative of the employees of American University in the unit defined in the notification.

NLRB Notice of Election  

AU's Labor Relations Mission

AU Labor Relations in the Office of Human Resources is responsible for building and maintaining AU’s relationship with our labor unions. The labor relations team serves as the point of contact for matters regarding staff bargaining units, negotiation, administration, and compliance with the University’s collective bargaining agreements.  

If you have questions about labor relations at American University, please contact

A Step-by-Step Guide to How Labor Negotiations Work

Collective bargaining is the process in which the university and the union negotiate the terms and conditions of employment for workers represented by a union. 

Download Guide (PDF)