Frequently Asked Questions
Please note that externally funded research projects may have different parameters and requirements for research and travel expenses.
I'm traveling to a conference in DC. Will CAS pay for a hotel and per diem while I'm at the conference?
The College only reimburses hotel and per diem expenses for faculty travel to locations and sites more than 50 miles away from American University.
I'm traveling to a conference in London—what's the most I can be reimbursed for Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE)?
The College will reimburse University employees for meals and incidental expenses while on travel up to the lower of 1) the U.S. Government Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) per diem for the travel location or 2) $100 per day. On days that the traveler leaves home or returns home, she/he may claim up to the lower of 1) 75% of the U.S. Government M&IE per diem for the travel location or 2) $75 for the day.
I needed to have a working research lunch with my co-author. What do I need in order to be reimbursed for our meal?
I am already going to be presenting at a conference in Paris and would like to visit Rome while I am in Europe. Is that allowed?
I'm a tenured faculty member and I attended a conference, but didn't present. Can I still be reimbursed from my REA account?
Please note that in order to be reimbursed for conference travel all tenured and tenure-track faculty must present or have a formal role in the conference such as being a member of the organizing or programming committee, a discussant, or the chair of a session. Please provide documentation with any reimbursements for these expenses.
I paid for a taxi in cash. How do I get reimbursed for it?
Is it alright if I travel business class on the train to New York City? What about if I'm flying to London?
Someone mentioned currency conversions for my receipts in Euros. What do I need to do to be reimbursed for my receipts while I was traveling in Germany?
I lost my receipt! Can I still be reimbursed for this expense?
If the receipt is for a small expense (under $25), such as a taxi, you can document the expense on a blank receipt form (templates available online). If the expense is for something more substantial, such as an hotel or large meal, we do need an itemized receipt. Many hotels and restaurants will issue you a replacement if you request it from them. If you cannot get a replacement receipt and the expense is more than $25, please contact the CAS Budget Team at
I drove my own car to the conference. What all can I be reimbursed for?
The College reimburses mileage to and from your primary work location (AU) for travel outside of your regular duties. We ask that you use a mapping application/page to show the route and the exact mileage for your trip starting from AU, and include that with your reimbursement. If you had to pay tolls en route, please include a receipt or show where the toll appears on your EZPass statement. Parking can be reimbursed if you provide appropriate receipts.
Can I pay for someone else to travel with me from my REA account?
Research Expense Accounts (REAs) are for faculty use only, however there are occasionally exceptions for individuals who are closely involved with the faculty member's research, with prior approval. Please contact the CAS Budget Team at if you would like to discuss your specific situation.
Does the University have a travel agency that we can work with to book our flights?
The University partners with KeyTravel. to provide an online tool for all airlines including Southwest, Jet Blue, and other independent carriers. If you plan to use KeyTravel to book your research flight, please notify and include in your email the research purpose of your trip, the funding source for the ticket, and if applicable the proof of presentation at the conference. Our team must have this information at least 24 hours before you plan to book your flight so that the flight can be approved within the required window. The University Travel Services website has more information about World Travel.
How do I get access and training in Microstrategy's Business Intelligence (BI) for financial reporting on my grant?
If you need access to BI for reporting on your externally sponsored research awards, please send an email to requesting 'Research Grants Reports' access in BI for your specified grant project code (please see your Sponsored Project Brief for this 5 digit number - e.g., 3XXXX).
If you need training on BI after you have access to the Research Grants Reports module, there are courses available through ASuccessfulU in the myAU portal.
Do I have to wait until I take my flight to be reimbursed? Do I need to keep my boarding passes?
Airfare and conference registration can be reimbursed before a trip is taken. But faculty members will need to provide adequate documentation of the research purpose at that time, including proof of presentation as necessary. Accommodations, rail travel, mileage, and per diem are reimbursed after the travel has been taken.
Proof of travel is required for all trips. If you have receipts for accommodations, taxis, or other expenses while you are away, those will serve as the proof of travel for the trip. If there were no receipts from the location you traveled to, we do ask that you provide something that shows that you went to that location during the time you had planned. Most faculty members will keep a picture of their boarding pass, and that is adequate documentation for our purposes. Boarding passes are not required for every reimbursement, but you are welcome to provide them as easy proof of travel.
I need to rent a car to attend a conference. Do I need to pay for the additional insurance?
Per the University's Travel Policy Section 3i: AU has discounted car rental rates with Enterprise and Avis Rental Cars. These rates are lower than comparable rates with other major rental car companies and utilize education consortium discounts. Travelers should us a rental car when other transportation is not available or when their use results in a cost savings. The size of the rental car should be the least expensive model (compact) consistent with the number of travelers, the business requirements of the trip, and safety of passenger...Travelers should decline the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and the Liability Damage Waiver (LDW) option, supplemental liability coverage, personal accident insurance and other additional insurance options when renting a car for business purposes. Such coverage is provided under the University's insurance policies and is not reimbursable.
Please see the University Travel policy for any further questions.