You are here: American University College of Arts & Sciences American University Museum 2024 Dickson Carroll, Retrospective, 1973 to 2023

Dickson Carroll, Retrospective, 1973 to 2023

Presented by the Alper Initiative for Washington Art
June 15 – August 11, 2024

Dickson Carroll, Artist
Chris Addison, Curator

Read and/or download the exhibition catalog online

Dickson Carroll, Garden Retreat, 2019. Poplar, fir, acrylic paint, 29 x 20 x 19 inches. Courtesy of Angelo KostarisDickson Carroll, Garden Retreat, 2019. Poplar, fir, acrylic paint, 29 x 20 x 19 inches. Courtesy of Angelo Kostaris

Overview & Events

Informal Artist Welcome: Dickson Carroll
June 16, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Gallery Talk: The Interaction of Architecture and Sculpture
July 6, 2:00 p.m.

Enter a three-dimensional world that's colorful, abstract, and delightfully whimsical. Dickson Carroll's work as an artist and sculptor is informed by his work as architect. In many ways, one discipline doesn't exist without the other. Carroll creates "visionary" building projects in model form, frequently for specific places in our city. Some are transformations of existing or proposed buildings. Some are fantasies.

Interested in both function and beauty, Carroll makes furniture and other useful objects. He is also fascinated by landscapes and makes three-dimensional visions of specific places, often river scenes, which are built into light boxes with their own illumination. Carroll works primarily in wood, which is hand-carved, rasped and sanded smooth. There is a minimal use of electronic or computer-aided tools and he works without assistants. Don’t miss this exuberant retrospective of Dickson Carroll's work over the last fifty years.

Final Voyage to Cytheria, 2018. Poplar, birch plywood, acrylic paint, 38 inches x 41 inches x 7 inches. Courtesy of Angelo KostarisFinal Voyage to Cytheria, 2018. Poplar, birch plywood, acrylic paint, 38 inches x 41 inches x 7 inches. Courtesy of Angelo Kostaris

Dickson Carroll, Beach Week, 2021. Poplar, birch plywood, acrylic paint, 27 inches x 26 inches x 2 inches. Courtesy of Louisa and Bill NewlinDickson Carroll, Beach Week, 2021. Poplar, birch plywood, acrylic paint, 27 inches x 26 inches x 2 inches. Courtesy of Louisa and Bill Newlin