You are here: American University Inclusive Excellence Defining Inclusive Excellence

Defining Inclusive Excellence and Beyond

American University is a leading student-centered research university where passionate learners, bold leaders, engaged scholars, innovators, and active citizens unleash the power of collaborative discovery. We partner with key organizations in the Washington, DC, region, and around the globe to better the human condition, learn from a vast array of experiences and internships, create meaningful change, and address society’s current and emerging challenges. 

Inclusive excellence is the recognition that an organization’s success is conditional on how well it engages, includes, and honors the rich diversity of its community members, including its students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and affiliates.   

Please click here to learn more about inclusive excellence definitions (AU Login Required). 

The Inclusive Excellence mindset can also be understood in these ways: 

  1. Not only do we see differences, but we also embrace differences. We believe each unique person and experience contribute to our learning—whether you are in or out of a classroom.  

  2. We believe in having an array of different backgrounds, identities, and lived experiences, but having differences comes with the responsibility to ensure that everyone can fully participate, thrive, and lead at the University. Inclusion of all is a priority. 

  3. We also believe that we only do well as a university when every individual does well. We also recognize that not everyone feels included at the University and we have to work to change it.  

  4. We believe that we must act in ways that consider the experiences of all—even when they are not in the room and even when we don’t always understand them.