You are here: American University School of Public Affairs Get Involved Undergraduate Home

At the School of Public Affairs (SPA) we want you to not only enjoy what you are studying but feel like you are a part of the SPA community. Throughout the course of the year, we offer many events and opportunities for you to connect with the faculty, staff, and your fellow peers outside the classroom. Whether it be Pizza with Professors, SPA Thanksgiving Dinner, a Sine Institute Fellows workshop, attending an event hosted by one of our research centers, or finals late night breakfast there is sure to be something to help you feel connected to SPA.

American University School of Public Affairs students have a wide array of clubs, organizations, and activities in which to get involved, make friends, and learn how to lead.

Campus Activities and Engagement

Mock trial team holds trophy.

Mock Trial

Learn more about the School of Public Affairs Mock Trial Team.

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Faculty teaching students

Undergraduate Research

Learn more about undergraduate research opportunities at SPA.

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Protesters marching

Civic Dialogue Project

Learn more about the American University Civic Dialogue Project.

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Two hands holding each other.

Industry Weeks

Learn more about Industry Weeks.

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Front of Kerwin Hall.

Public Affairs and Policy Lab

Learn more about the Public Affairs and Policy Lab.

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Student Publications

SPA Undergraduate Council

Follow the SPA Undergraduate Council on instagram


Undergraduate Scholarships

Learn more about undergraduate scholarships at the School of Public Affairs.

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